Steroid Profile Primobolan

6 weeks in, haven't noticed anything but am staying patient.
Yeah for strength or feels I don’t notice in terms of performance but i do see physical changes - especially the delts. Helps keep my e2 at bay and also get good feel
Vibes while on it. Other than that, more of a silent compound for me - I’m sure you’ll start seeing the physical changes within the next few weeks. Won’t feel it but you’ll see it lol
The question is, how do you guys deal with the low E2 running such high doses of primo? I can take 300mg primo max and thats with 600mg test.

Thats the biggest problem im facing with primo. I even ordered E2 tablets now.

Low E2 confirmed with bloodwork, not just feels.

The price is not even a problem for me.
u can ad 5 mg dbol every day that would level it up nicely perhaps
Cruise 200 Test C, 200 primo, 50 NPP. Will primo and NPP have any effect on my testosterone blood levels?
I was thinking about a very similar cycle for lifestyle hrt. 125ml test e, 100ml primo, 50ml npp on Sundays and Wednesdays. I was thinking about the npp for joint/connective tissue support. My thoughts are that the npp would be a low dose and fast acting. It shouldn't elevate the overall level of testosterone in my body significantly. Just an opinion.
This is 1 of the only 1s Ill do outside mast and test. I may do var, but I wanna keep it as safe as possible. Things like test, primo, mast, maybe var and maybe npp. We'll see
Running 400/200 Testo U & Primo. I have to say it's amazing stack with minimal sides. Noticeable difference compared to 400T solo, the look is very nice. Overall feel good and I'm happy with the results.

I'm seriously considering switching to Test C and continuing taking Primo throughout the summer at something like 200/200. Great combo.