Steroid Profile Primobolan

If using 3x per week 250iu HCG along with test and primo, what would be the correct approximate ratio test : primo?
I have to run test and primo at a 4:1 (200 mg: 50 mg weekly) ratio because primo reduces E2 and lowers SHBG too much for me above that ratio and results in anhedonia, mild anxiety, and insomnia.

I tried daily microdosing with primo like I do with test and found that I can only inject primo every 2-3 days because even at a 4:1 test to primo ratio I will develop symptomology similar to higher doses of primo.

Otherwise primo (even at this low dose) provides more fullness, increased vascularity, slightly improved recovery, better mood, and some increased sex drive. I don't notice much of an increase in shedding (prone to MPB), but I do notice more nocturia.

If I want to throw var in the mix I can only use an extremely low dose of 2.5 - 5 mg daily. If I want to use a higher dosage of var I have to cut the primo because the combination of var and primo will nuke my SHBG and that is no bueno for me. The daily test injections also have lowered my SHBG.

I like to keep E2 ~50 and SHBG ~40

You run a really tight ship and monitor things much more than most.
If using 3x per week 250iu HCG along with test and primo, what would be the correct approximate ratio test : primo?
The most common ratios of test to primo I see people use are 2:1 or 1:1. Really depends on how you respond to primo and then adjust accordingly to find your sweet spot that you feel best. I recommend starting low and slowly increasing the dose depending on how your lab work looks and how you feel. See how your E2 and SHBG responds to primo, and of course check other basic markers like CBC/CMP.
Do yall still take a AI with primo and test?
I'm considering 400 test. 300 primo. . Labs won't be until 4 weeks in. Just trying to see what to expect
Do yall still take a AI with primo and test?
I'm considering 400 test. 300 primo. . Labs won't be until 4 weeks in. Just trying to see what to expect
No way to know for sure until you get bloodwork.

I need the same dose of AI with test and primo as if I was running test alone. Confirmed by bloodwork.
Proviron = DHT + methylic tail at C1
Primobolan = DHB + the same methylic tail at C1

Primo is more similar to DHB than to DHT!
Proviron = DHT + methylic tail at C1
Primobolan = DHB + the same methylic tail at C1

Primo is more similar to DHB than to DHT!
I find it interesting that the "simple" addition of a methyl group to a compound can significantly alter the physical, chemical, and biological properties of said compound.
Would Anavar stacked with Proviron ( used along with Test Enanethate) have a similar result as Primobolan and Test E?
Depends on your physiology and response to each compound. Primo could significantly lower E2 in one individual, but have little to no impact on E2 in another. Same with SHBG. I recommend that you monitor how you feel and do routine lab work. Be mindful that proviron has a strong binding affinity for SHBG and anavar can lower SHBG as well.

Depends on your physiology and response to each compound. Primo could significantly lower E2 in one individual, but have little to no impact on E2 in another. Same with SHBG. I recommend that you monitor how you feel and do routine lab work. Be mindful that proviron has a strong binding affinity for SHBG and anavar can lower SHBG as well.
Anavar and Proviron are easier for me to get as opposed to Primo
I tried primo for the first time last year, 12 weeks at 400mg along with 400mg test. Loved what it did, but I've heard people saying it really shines with longer cycles. Is it better to run it for say 16-18 weeks straight? Or blast for 12, cruise 6, then blast another 12?
in terms of harm reduction, primo would be one to be utilized in a cut or bulk - with very minimal side effects. almost no sides tbh, atleast for me. It does lower e2, i think 2:1 ratio with Test (test : primo) is the sweet spot for most, that ive read online.
I tried primo for the first time last year, 12 weeks at 400mg along with 400mg test. Loved what it did, but I've heard people saying it really shines with longer cycles. Is it better to run it for say 16-18 weeks straight? Or blast for 12, cruise 6, then blast another 12?
yes, ideally 16-20 weeks. it does take awhile to see it do its thing, in my case usually after 10 weeks maybe 12.