Steroid Profile Primobolan

No. As far as I am concerned, it is still unknown because there is no proof, as @runway stated.

What is the MoA here? "Destroy chemically"? How? Benzyl alcohol can cause aggregation of some proteins, but that is not the same as "destroying".

As I said it’s proven that methenolone converts to atamestane in the human body.

I always considered somatotropin a fragile molecule (that’s why it costs a lot). Doesn’t seem a good idea to mix it with BB. I’m not sure but I wouldn’t do it as a precaution.

proven that methenolone converts to atamestane in the human body

Can't find anything about it in the study. It's nothing new, there is a patent for atamestane derived from primo from 1985


As I said it’s proven that methenolone converts to atamestane in the human body.

I always considered somatotropin a fragile molecule (that’s why it costs a lot). Doesn’t seem a good idea to mix it with BB. I’m not sure but I wouldn’t do it as a precaution.
Okay, you have fun with your voodoo "science". I'm done here.
I’ve said for years I don’t see an ai effect from primo. If I do it’s very mild. The 1:2 ratio thing is new and bizarre as just a few years back everyone thought primo needed to be ran at high doses which would mean those guys should have been running grams of test to combat the primo. I’ve been taking a trt dose of 150 with primo at 150 for a year now. Labs are the same as they’ve always been.

I totally believe that primo works as an ai for some as I’ve seen it on their labs but for me it doesn’t work like that. When I blast I run my test @(400) and primo @(600).
I’ve said for years I don’t see an ai effect from primo. If I do it’s very mild. The 1:2 ratio thing is new and bizarre as just a few years back everyone thought primo needed to be ran at high doses which would mean those guys should have been running grams of test to combat the primo. I’ve been taking a trt dose of 150 with primo at 150 for a year now. Labs are the same as they’ve always been.

I totally believe that primo works as an ai for some as I’ve seen it on their labs but for me it doesn’t work like that. When I blast I run my test @(400) and primo @(600).
There's a dissociation between endo- (blood circulating) & intra- (tissue level) crine (hormonal) effects. Certainly, at the intracrine level, Primo reduces estrogen activity. This may or may not be reflected by endocrine absolute levels of estrogens.

To your point, Primo is clearly not a reliable AI.
Guys, some people have noted a reduction of serum e2 after the assumption of Primo. To some a 1:1 ratio even brought estrogens too low. An AI is the product of the metabolism of Primo in some bacteria (enzymes in them). Don’t u think that, that could be the mechanism of action (high probability)?

Merry Xmas to all!
Guys, some people have noted a reduction of serum e2 after the assumption of Primo. To some a 1:1 ratio even brought estrogens too low. An AI is the product of the metabolism of Primo in some bacteria (enzymes in them). Don’t u think that, that could be the mechanism of action (high probability)?

Merry Xmas to all!
Metenolone's metabolism in man is well described, and atamestane is not a metabolic product or intermidary.

See some my writings on the subject:

Rich also died at 46, so I tend to not listen to his advice. I don’t mean that in a mean way. I just mean that I plan on dying an old man.

Primo isn’t a good drug if you want to put on mass like now and love to slam tren by the gram, but if you want good gains with a safe pharmaceutical profile, you could do worse.
True this
Assuming enanthate or cyp esters, this is minutiae. If twice weekly is more convenient for you, that's fine.

Not like 350 mg prop once weekly vs. 50 mg daily.
Even with cypionate the fluctuations with twice a week are high. Appreciated that beautiful Latin/Italian word. Minutia/Minuzia and its plural))
Yup I have to use 750 test 600 primo or else I feel like estro is low I'm thinking of adding npp 400 per week too later but then I might have to drop test to 600 and up the primo to 700 to balance things out without ai usage so thatl be tricky lol
Did you end up adding in the NPP? If so, how did it affect the other doses/how did you balance things out? Was running 750 Test, 600 Mast, 400 Deca and I'm just now switching Mast to 600 Primo and upping Deca to 600. Understand everyone's different, but curious as I'm about to deal with similar scenario.
Guys, some people have noted a reduction of serum e2 after the assumption of Primo. To some a 1:1 ratio even brought estrogens too low. An AI is the product of the metabolism of Primo in some bacteria (enzymes in them). Don’t u think that, that could be the mechanism of action (high probability)?

Merry Xmas to all!
I have to run test and primo at a 4:1 (200 mg: 50 mg weekly) ratio because primo reduces E2 and lowers SHBG too much for me above that ratio and results in anhedonia, mild anxiety, and insomnia.

I tried daily microdosing with primo like I do with test and found that I can only inject primo every 2-3 days because even at a 4:1 test to primo ratio I will develop symptomology similar to higher doses of primo.

Otherwise primo (even at this low dose) provides more fullness, increased vascularity, slightly improved recovery, better mood, and some increased sex drive. I don't notice much of an increase in shedding (prone to MPB), but I do notice more nocturia.

If I want to throw var in the mix I can only use an extremely low dose of 2.5 - 5 mg daily. If I want to use a higher dosage of var I have to cut the primo because the combination of var and primo will nuke my SHBG and that is no bueno for me. The daily test injections also have lowered my SHBG.

I like to keep E2 ~50 and SHBG ~40
I have to run test and primo at a 4:1 (200 mg: 50 mg weekly) ratio because primo reduces E2 and lowers SHBG too much for me above that ratio and results in anhedonia, mild anxiety, and insomnia.

I tried daily microdosing with primo like I do with test and found that I can only inject primo every 2-3 days because even at a 4:1 test to primo ratio I will develop symptomology similar to higher doses of primo.

Otherwise primo (even at this low dose) provides more fullness, increased vascularity, slightly improved recovery, better mood, and some increased sex drive. I don't notice much of an increase in shedding (prone to MPB), but I do notice more nocturia.

If I want to throw var in the mix I can only use an extremely low dose of 2.5 - 5 mg daily. If I want to use a higher dosage of var I have to cut the primo because the combination of var and primo will nuke my SHBG and that is no bueno for me. The daily test injections also have lowered my SHBG.

I like to keep E2 ~50 and SHBG ~40
Thank you for the info !
I have to run test and primo at a 4:1 (200 mg: 50 mg weekly) ratio because primo reduces E2 and lowers SHBG too much for me above that ratio and results in anhedonia, mild anxiety, and insomnia.

I tried daily microdosing with primo like I do with test and found that I can only inject primo every 2-3 days because even at a 4:1 test to primo ratio I will develop symptomology similar to higher doses of primo.

Otherwise primo (even at this low dose) provides more fullness, increased vascularity, slightly improved recovery, better mood, and some increased sex drive. I don't notice much of an increase in shedding (prone to MPB), but I do notice more nocturia.

If I want to throw var in the mix I can only use an extremely low dose of 2.5 - 5 mg daily. If I want to use a higher dosage of var I have to cut the primo because the combination of var and primo will nuke my SHBG and that is no bueno for me. The daily test injections also have lowered my SHBG.

I like to keep E2 ~50 and SHBG ~40
Why is low SHBG not good?