Steroid Profile Primobolan

Reading all the negative reports on primo and libido made me reconsider stopping tren use and going for healthier options. I would probably have to run a gram of primo a week to look decent. If it lowers e2 I can only imagine how much test you need to be on to counteract it. Any thoughts on this?
500mg's/wk. of primobolan would be more than enough for most users. 750mg's/wk. would be the most I would recommend. Start with 500mg's for 5-6 weeks and slowly increase to 750mg's/wk. Primo is weird, not in a bad way, but you may not notice the effects as much until you discontinue it... If you do everything else correctly, primo can really add a nice touch with little risk... Then only real problem is have with it is the amount of oil needed to attain the weekly doses...
Has anyone tried Ru58841 and Minoxidil with Primo to stop hair loss?

I was thinking of using them preemptively, I would like to try Primo but want to keep my hair.
500mg's/wk. of primobolan would be more than enough for most users. 750mg's/wk. would be the most I would recommend. Start with 500mg's for 5-6 weeks and slowly increase to 750mg's/wk. Primo is weird, not in a bad way, but you may not notice the effects as much until you discontinue it... If you do everything else correctly, primo can really add a nice touch with little risk... Then only real problem is have with it is the amount of oil needed to attain the weekly doses...
At 200mg/ml it's not even that big problem ^^
Does primo help reduce water retention/bloat? I'm transitioning from 200mg test -> 350 test/350 primo for a mini blast. Or should I be expecting some moon face
Does primo help reduce water retention/bloat? I'm transitioning from 200mg test -> 350 test/350 primo for a mini blast. Or should I be expecting some moon face
The only way I could see primo helping with bloating/water retention is by lowering E2. Primo lowers mine so it should for you too but the only way you’ll know is by getting bloodwork to see where your E2 is at. Other than that I’d just tweak your diet and incorporate some cardio (60-90min each week split between 2-3 sessions over the week).
Does primo help reduce water retention/bloat? I'm transitioning from 200mg test -> 350 test/350 primo for a mini blast. Or should I be expecting some moon face
Doubt at that test dose alone, you'll experience moonface. Highly doubt with primo at 350mg you'll get it anyway. Try it and report back after 3 or so weeks.
The question is, how do you guys deal with the low E2 running such high doses of primo? I can take 300mg primo max and thats with 600mg test.

Thats the biggest problem im facing with primo. I even ordered E2 tablets now.

Low E2 confirmed with bloodwork, not just feels.

The price is not even a problem for me.
Do you know if Primo boosts libido?
I saw your post in the Anadrol thread about combining Abombs with Primo - but can’t find it !

What’s your take on these 2 together and also the ultimate prep cycle ?

Abombs + primo combination is fantastic. Although, abombs + any other AAS is fantastic, so I'm not sure if it's saying much.

The ultimate prep cycle, I think, is the one that you react the best to. I know, it's a disappointing answer... I could say to stick with the classic test/tren/mast combo, and it'd probably be at least close. But, tren can be a finicky bitch - not sure if it's really the ultimate if you're just trying to manage sides the whole time. In that case, primo might be an acceptable solution.

I will say, primo+abombs are reminiscent of tren to me... not the same but there is a similarity there.
Abombs + primo combination is fantastic. Although, abombs + any other AAS is fantastic, so I'm not sure if it's saying much.

The ultimate prep cycle, I think, is the one that you react the best to. I know, it's a disappointing answer... I could say to stick with the classic test/tren/mast combo, and it'd probably be at least close. But, tren can be a finicky bitch - not sure if it's really the ultimate if you're just trying to manage sides the whole time. In that case, primo might be an acceptable solution.

I will say, primo+abombs are reminiscent of tren to me... not the same but there is a similarity there.
Ad some winstrol and your in business
Abombs + primo combination is fantastic. Although, abombs + any other AAS is fantastic, so I'm not sure if it's saying much.

The ultimate prep cycle, I think, is the one that you react the best to. I know, it's a disappointing answer... I could say to stick with the classic test/tren/mast combo, and it'd probably be at least close. But, tren can be a finicky bitch - not sure if it's really the ultimate if you're just trying to manage sides the whole time. In that case, primo might be an acceptable solution.

I will say, primo+abombs are reminiscent of tren to me... not the same but there is a similarity there.
I’ve never tried Abombs hehe, I might do this upcoming cycle. I was going to do test + primo, which I’ve never done before.

I’d add the Drol at the end so I can see what just primo adds to test. The Abombs would keep the gains coming at the end of the cycle too.

Very tempting hehe
I’ve never tried Abombs hehe, I might do this upcoming cycle. I was going to do test + primo, which I’ve never done before.

I’d add the Drol at the end so I can see what just primo adds to test. The Abombs would keep the gains coming at the end of the cycle too.

Very tempting hehe

When I first started with primo, I had very little side effects - mostly a killshot into my hairline. Aside from that, I noticed nothing else except a beach body slowly taking shape in the mirror.

However, in later cycles I began to experience a real downturn in sex drive and overall feeling kind of emotionally numb. I never got blood work, but I assume it was a drop in estrogen that caused it - I always seem to do well with estrogen running a bit higher.

Anyways, I have a few vials for a lowish dose cycle this summer and I was considering adding dbol to it to see how that feels. I was planning to run a low dose of NPP as well, undecided on test amount.
When I first started with primo, I had very little side effects - mostly a killshot into my hairline. Aside from that, I noticed nothing else except a beach body slowly taking shape in the mirror.

However, in later cycles I began to experience a real downturn in sex drive and overall feeling kind of emotionally numb. I never got blood work, but I assume it was a drop in estrogen that caused it - I always seem to do well with estrogen running a bit higher.

Anyways, I have a few vials for a lowish dose cycle this summer and I was considering adding dbol to it to see how that feels. I was planning to run a low dose of NPP as well, undecided on test amount.
I did just one shot of 50mg Primo with my 84mg test Cypionate TRT and the next day felt the same as when I’ve taken too much anastrozole on cycle.

A kind of hollowed out melancholy & can’t be arsed doing much (sounds fun lol)

I had to double the Cypionate dose + put on a TRT dose of testosterone gel every day for 2 weeks to feel somewhat normal.

I didn’t get bloods - it’d be all over the place with the large testosterone.

So I’m pretty confident it powerfully affects my E2. That’s ok - I’ll run 250mg test on my upcoming cycle for a while, get bloods so I know my E2, then add 100mg Primo and get bloods.

From there adjust the doses of one or both, possibly to a max of 500 test, 100-200 Primo. We’ll see !

Dbol + primo sounds good, I’m interested in how they work together

Just testosterone of 250-500mg and I feel great, actually more relaxed than on 84mg TRT.

84mg TRT has my E2 about 80% of the range and free T similar.
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I started a primo cycle on May 8th. It’s gone like this:

May 5th: 250mg Sustanon

May 8th: 250mg Sustanon, 100mg primo

May 10th: 250mg Sust only.

May 12th: 250mg Sustanon, 100mg primo

May 15th 250mg Sustanon, 80mg primo

May 17th: 250mg Sust only.

May 19th: 250mg Sustanon, 80mg primo.

I was on 100mg per week testosterone TRT before the above.

Things I’ve learned so far!

Primo kicks in very very fast at lowering E2. This is very surprising given it’s an Enanthate ester.

On my first day of primo, despite the Sustanon a few days before and it’s propionate ester, and having decent E2 from TRT - my joints became dry and cracking within 6 hours of the primo.

Man I became pretty depressed and unable to wake up that day and until
Thursday May 11th. Caffeine had zero effect at all (it usually is quite strong for me)

But perhaps this is because E2 takes quite some time to build up from elevated testosterone?

So I may have still had normal E2 on my first primo shot, so it was very easy to push E2 down rapidly?

Thursday May 11th my joints were feeling normal again. Mentally feeling normal Again

I figured with some more testosterone building up I’d be fine for 100mg primo on May 12th. But I had dry cracking joints again! Not as bad and no negative mental effects.

Hence this Monday I reduced primo to 80mg and this has been great no problem all week including today.

So a combination of more testosterone building up over time and less primo.

My understanding is that Sustanon takes about 5 weeks to reach steady state and primo being Enanthate about the same.

What I’ll different next time is to use just testosterone at around 750mg per week for 4 weeks - have nice high E2 - and then add in primo, so E2 doesn’t go very low.

If I had different testosterone like Enanthate I’d just frontload the testosterone for 2 weeks and then add in primo.

I couldn’t handle the PIP of front loading Sust LOL. Even if that was just 250mg a day for 2 weeks.

I don’t have blood work on the E2 effect but certainly know how joints and mood are on very low E2 from past bloods and anastrozole.

I’m abroad but will try to get bloods done so we can compare TRT E2 to E2 on much higher testosterone.

I’m still hoping to use 3-400mg primo per week when the Sust has built up and I’ve got bloods.

Estradiol valerate would be an interesting addition if my bloods showed low E2. Or even in future to just try very high primo doses and see it’s PED effect.
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I started a primo cycle on May 8th. It’s gone like this:

May 5th: 250mg Sustanon

May 8th: 250mg Sustanon, 100mg primo

May 10th: 250mg Sust only.

May 12th: 250mg Sustanon, 100mg primo

May 15th 250mg Sustanon, 80mg primo

May 17th: 250mg Sust only.

May 19th: 250mg Sustanon, 80mg primo.

I was on 100mg per week testosterone TRT before the above.

Things I’ve learned so far!

Primo kicks in very very fast at lowering E2. This is very surprising given it’s an Enanthate ester.

On my first day of primo, despite the Sustanon a few days before and it’s propionate ester, and having decent E2 from TRT - my joints became dry and cracking within 6 hours of the primo.

Man I became pretty depressed and unable to wake up that day and until
Thursday May 11th. Caffeine had zero effect at all (it usually is quite strong for me)

But perhaps this is because E2 takes quite some time to build up from elevated testosterone?

So I may have still had normal E2 on my first primo shot, so it was very easy to push E2 down rapidly?

Thursday May 11th my joints were feeling normal again. Mentally feeling normal Again

I figured with some more testosterone building up I’d be fine for 100mg primo on May 12th. But I had dry cracking joints again! Not as bad and no negative mental effects.

Hence this Monday I reduced primo to 80mg and this has been great no problem all week including today.

So a combination of more testosterone building up over time and less primo.

My understanding is that Sustanon takes about 5 weeks to reach steady state and primo being Enanthate about the same.

What I’ll different next time is to use just testosterone at around 750mg per week for 4 weeks - have nice high E2 - and then add in primo, so E2 doesn’t go very low.

If I had different testosterone like Enanthate I’d just frontload the testosterone for 2 weeks and then add in primo.

I couldn’t handle the PIP of front loading Sust LOL. Even if that was just 250mg a day for 2 weeks.

I don’t have blood work on the E2 effect but certainly know how joints and mood are on very low E2 from past bloods and anastrozole.

I’m abroad but will try to get bloods done so we can compare TRT E2 to E2 on much higher testosterone.

I’m still hoping to use 3-400mg primo per week when the Sust has built up and I’ve got bloods.

Estradiol valerate would be an interesting addition if my bloods showed low E2. Or even in future to just try very high primo doses and see it’s PED effect.
Yup I have to use 750 test 600 primo or else I feel like estro is low I'm thinking of adding npp 400 per week too later but then I might have to drop test to 600 and up the primo to 700 to balance things out without ai usage so thatl be tricky lol
Yup I have to use 750 test 600 primo or else I feel like estro is low I'm thinking of adding npp 400 per week too later but then I might have to drop test to 600 and up the primo to 700 to balance things out without ai usage so thatl be tricky lol
What ester of test do you use with that?

Do you aromatise a lot from test?

At what dose of test do you need an AI, on a test only cycle?

I’ve ran 1,500 test and 600 deca and only needed 0.5mg anastrozole twice a week.

But I do get itchy nips off 500 test Enanthate a week once it reaches steady state - 5 weeks in.

So perhaps I respond very strongly to anything AI like?