Steroid Profile Primobolan

Reading all the negative reports on primo and libido made me reconsider stopping tren use and going for healthier options. I would probably have to run a gram of primo a week to look decent. If it lowers e2 I can only imagine how much test you need to be on to counteract it. Any thoughts on this?
Reading all the negative reports on primo and libido made me reconsider stopping tren use and going for healthier options. I would probably have to run a gram of primo a week to look decent. If it lowers e2 I can only imagine how much test you need to be on to counteract it. Any thoughts on this?
I've ran 500 test 400 primo, 750 test 600 primo, and 1000 test 800 primo. Don't know my exact e2 numbers, but I felt great and never felt the need to use an ai.
I've ran 500 test 400 primo, 750 test 600 primo, and 1000 test 800 primo. Don't know my exact e2 numbers, but I felt great and never felt the need to use an ai.
Same.. as long as my primo was lower than my test I felt great. Hair shed like crazy but that’s kind of par for the course I guess lol
yes, night sweats or strong sweating isnt a side effect of primo right?
Sounds like your primo is faked with npp.Most of the faked primo out there is either boldenone or Npp.Npp gives a similar fullness and is also usually brewed at 100mg/ml(its also hepatoxic which would explain the color of urine),a good substitute for expensive primo.Who is your source?
Sounds like your primo is faked with npp.Most of the faked primo out there is either boldenone or Npp.Npp gives a similar fullness and is also usually brewed at 100mg/ml(its also hepatoxic which would explain the color of urine),a good substitute for expensive primo.Who is your source?
What are you talking about? This is a nice bullshit story - all of it.
I have a bunch of Bayer Rimobolan from the local pharmacy and v excited to use it!

I ve only ever used it as a 2 week bridge between testosterone and a PCT years and years ago. That was 100mg per week.

I don’t know why people say it was rare in the 90s - we used to go to Europe and buy 200 from the pharmacy!

It had a modest reputation in my circle.

THE most sought after drug was Parabolan - which had just been stopped being made. There were loads of Parabolan fakes.

I’m going to start with my 90mg TRT and 100mg Rimo per week for a few weeks and see how my E2 looks.

Then increase the doses of both from there. I do get a lot of sides from testosterone for modest results, but respond well to everything else I’ve tried !
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If you're comparing primo to tren, then yeah... Pretty weak. But you could say that about a lot of things in comparison to tren.

Primo gives a way better look, IMO. Tren looks synthetic and freaky. Primo makes you look great in a much more natural way. It's way slower than tren... You'll run it and forget you're taking anything until one day you'll look in the mirror and think "wow".

Aside from killing hair, I've never noticed any sort of sides or diminishing returns.

I saw your post in the Anadrol thread about combining Abombs with Primo - but can’t find it !

What’s your take on these 2 together and also the ultimate prep cycle ?