Steroid Profile Primobolan

green aminu sama, did you ever try superdrol again again?
Not yet, I'm going to give myself a break from it for a while. I'm back on anadrol for now, because I know I respond well to it. I'm really looking forward to trying it eventually, but I want to start with a clean liver to give it a fair chance.
Not yet, I'm going to give myself a break from it for a while. I'm back on anadrol for now, because I know I respond well to it. I'm really looking forward to trying it eventually, but I want to start with a clean liver to give it a fair chance.
sounds reasonable. I guess anadrol vs superdrol is kinda like.. do you want heartburn or fatigue, pick ya poison!
Primo crushed my SHBG. Low end of scale was 13, and it took mine down to 3.
Definitely possible, 170mg Primo with a low dose of Test is what crushed my Estrogen and put my SHBG at 13.6. If your shbg was already low then yeah it could do that I'd think.
You dont feel it unless very sensible!
It might raise free test so maybe you feel some some but the average lifter would not “feel” it at 200 mg!
That's why I asked. Saw there is 400 testosterone in the combination. Most likely the amount of Primobolan should be leveled with testosterone for the effect to be maximal
I guess at a 1-1 ratio primo crushes his estrogen and shbg thats why many use double the test.
This seems fairly common at lower dosages of Test. I'd be curious to see more peoples experience with higher dosages of Test, maybe 300-500mg each of Test and Primo at a 1:1 ratio.

Theoretical Example:

For example if you're taking Primo 100mg and Test 100mg, and it cuts your E2 in half, then you're effectively only getting aromatization of 50mg worth of Test which could possibly start causing low E2 sides for some people. (This happens to myself).


If running 500mg Test and 500mg Primo perhaps you still have sufficient E2 because your E2 levels would be elevated well beyond the normal range and Primo is just helping bring this down to more normal levels and negating the need for an AI.

I'd like to see more bloodwork from people and hear experiences, but typically guys that are using larger doses like this don't have as much negative feedback from what I have seen so far in posts. Most of the guys including myself that are running into problems are running moderate to high dose primo (relative to Test) with TRT levels of Testosterone.
This seems fairly common at lower dosages of Test. I'd be curious to see more peoples experience with higher dosages of Test, maybe 300-500mg each of Test and Primo at a 1:1 ratio.

Theoretical Example:

For example if you're taking Primo 100mg and Test 100mg, and it cuts your E2 in half, then you're effectively only getting aromatization of 50mg worth of Test which could possibly start causing low E2 sides for some people. (This happens to myself).


If running 500mg Test and 500mg Primo perhaps you still have sufficient E2 because your E2 levels would be elevated well beyond the normal range and Primo is just helping bring this down to more normal levels and negating the need for an AI.

I'd like to see more bloodwork from people and hear experiences, but typically guys that are using larger doses like this don't have as much negative feedback from what I have seen so far in posts. Most of the guys including myself that are running into problems are running moderate to high dose primo (relative to Test) with TRT levels of Testosterone.
This is my observation also but i did get low e on 350 test and 300 primo.
But did not get it with 450 test and 600 primo so there seems to be a point where test overpowers it!
Adding nandrolone or dbol seems to help also!
Body fat level play a part in the aromatization as when i got the low e sides i was way leaner then before.
This is my observation also but i did get low e on 350 test and 300 primo.
But did not get it with 450 test and 600 primo so there seems to be a point where test overpowers it!
Adding nandrolone or dbol seems to help also!
Body fat level play a part in the aromatization as when i got the low e sides i was way leaner then before.
Body composition is important, especially when you have a lot of fat