Steroid Profile Primobolan

What ester of test do you use with that?

Do you aromatise a lot from test?

At what dose of test do you need an AI, on a test only cycle?

I’ve ran 1,500 test and 600 deca and only needed 0.5mg anastrozole twice a week.

But I do get itchy nips off 500 test Enanthate a week once it reaches steady state - 5 weeks in.

So perhaps I respond very strongly to anything AI like?
I use test e and same as you pretty much 500 no ai for a month or so till I'd have to use an aromasin. But with 750 test 600 primo none at all. Just not sure if adding npp I can keep same dosages. I probably can and just increase primo to 700 for more ai purposes and gains as well
I use test e and same as you pretty much 500 no ai for a month or so till I'd have to use an aromasin. But with 750 test 600 primo none at all. Just not sure if adding npp I can keep same dosages. I probably can and just increase primo to 700 for more ai purposes and gains as well
NPP with should be epic. I’d lovvvvve some nandrolone with this.
Primobolan has always been considered one of the safer steroids. It was rumored to be one of the secret weapons of the 70s that only a few pros had access to such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and some other European bodybuilders. This led to considerable demand. Unfortunately, the prohibitive price and fakes that flooded the market in the 80s and 90s changed its reputation. On a price basis, many considered it highly overrated. But in the late 00s and 10s, the rise of UGLs and cheap and abundant Chinese steroid powder allowed real Primobolan to become readily available at a reasonable price. This allowed many to experiment with higher dosages with more satisfying results..

Check out @Bill Roberts profile on Primobolan Depot, let us know what you think, and share your experiences with this compound:

Interesting seems to be a love or hate. I’m very curious
Just started taking 250 test/week along with 100 primo/week. Hoping it will act as a mild AI and give decent gains on top of the test.
The question is, how do you guys deal with the low E2 running such high doses of primo? I can take 300mg primo max and thats with 600mg test.

Thats the biggest problem im facing with primo. I even ordered E2 tablets now.

Low E2 confirmed with bloodwork, not just feels.

The price is not even a problem for me.
Agree, 2:1 testo to primo is probably one if not the best ratio!
Hello everyone. I have been following this thread and I'm looking for some advice. I have been using 250ml of test e for a few years as a lifestyle/recreational trt. I am thinking about trying primo to improve my physique for the summer. I lost my hair back in high-school long before I tried anything. 2:1 test/primo seems to be popular. Is 150ml primo to little? Or should I try 400 test 200 primo per week? I have ran test as high as 600 per week, but the acne was bad. Any thoughts?
I think it was said that both are frauds and can't be trusted.

Also kinda funny how they both wear caps in a video about Mast/Primo. Makes me really think about my future.
Yeah, a lot of (if not ALL of) what they were saying was outlandishly incorrect. Also, they provided no citations for anything, so I'm still waiting on a study that shows how metenolone acts as an AI.
I don't get that magical AI effect so much as others do on Primobolan. All dht's help me manage estrogen and it is known they act as antagonist. Most likely not causing a significant enough drop in serum e2. However, for me proviron is the strongest when it comes to managing estrogen.
Hello everyone. I have been following this thread and I'm looking for some advice. I have been using 250ml of test e for a few years as a lifestyle/recreational trt. I am thinking about trying primo to improve my physique for the summer. I lost my hair back in high-school long before I tried anything. 2:1 test/primo seems to be popular. Is 150ml primo to little? Or should I try 400 test 200 primo per week? I have ran test as high as 600 per week, but the acne was bad. Any thoughts?
U need a decent amount of e2 to build muscle (there’s also an estrogenic pathway, that boost also the igf1 one). Just be sure not to crush e2.
What exactly was incorrect? I’m interested!
The MD bro said that GH isn't effective at building muscle if injected subq because it needs to be injected into muscle to build muscle. Likewise, it will burn fat if injected into fat. That's NOT how the body works.

When GH is injected, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body; it does not just act locally at the injection site. To believe that it does shows a flagrant lack of understanding of very simple bodily systems, especially considering that he's supposedly an MD.

I stopped watching after that, so I can't comment on the rest of the video, but based on the amount of baloney that was getting cut up and tossed around in just the first few minutes, I wouldn't believe anything that those knuckledraggers say.

I do not doubt that metenolone acts as an AI/estrogen scavenger (so to speak), but the mechanism of action remains unknown, as far as I know.
The MD bro said that GH isn't effective at building muscle if injected subq because it needs to be injected into muscle to build muscle. Likewise, it will burn fat if injected into fat. That's NOT how the body works.

When GH is injected, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body; it does not just act locally at the injection site. To believe that it does shows a flagrant lack of understanding of very simple bodily systems, especially considering that he's supposedly an MD.

I stopped watching after that, so I can't comment on the rest of the video, but based on the amount of baloney that was getting cut up and tossed around in just the first few minutes, I wouldn't believe anything that those knuckledraggers say.

I do not doubt that metenolone acts as an AI/estrogen scavenger (so to speak), but the mechanism of action remains unknown, as far as I know.
Before judging you should watch the whole thing and his other video on GH. He knows that perfectly. But, some studies show that GH can also improve a little bit local IGF1 if injected IM. Ofc the systemic part is more important, but to max out the effect it’s better to inject it in a muscle that needs some mass. Primobolan converts to atamestane, which is an AI similar to exemestane. Now the mechanism of action is know. Merry Christmas :)
The MD bro said that GH isn't effective at building muscle if injected subq because it needs to be injected into muscle to build muscle. Likewise, it will burn fat if injected into fat. That's NOT how the body works.

When GH is injected, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body; it does not just act locally at the injection site. To believe that it does shows a flagrant lack of understanding of very simple bodily systems, especially considering that he's supposedly an MD.

I stopped watching after that, so I can't comment on the rest of the video, but based on the amount of baloney that was getting cut up and tossed around in just the first few minutes, I wouldn't believe anything that those knuckledraggers say.

I do not doubt that metenolone acts as an AI/estrogen scavenger (so to speak), but the mechanism of action remains unknown, as far as I know.
What I personally find incorrect is another thing. When he says that gh and AAS should be injected in the same syringe. Benzyl benzoate could easily destroy chemically somatotropin
Primobolan converts to atamestane, which is an AI similar to exemestane. Now the mechanism of action is know
No. As far as I am concerned, it is still unknown because there is no proof, as @runway stated.
Benzyl benzoate could easily destroy chemically somatotropin
What is the MoA here? "Destroy chemically"? How? Benzyl alcohol can cause aggregation of some proteins, but that is not the same as "destroying".