Steroid Profile Primobolan

Primo is the shit. Plain and simple.

1. What other compound can you run up to like a gram of with no sides?

2. Who tf doesn’t want to say “I’m running primo” like na it’s not Deca, not tren it’s that Primo boiii

3. Eliminates need for AI
I permanently cruise primo. Would definitely recommend it
At what dose do you cruise?
Considering doing a long low dose of Stans’s brew of 160 per week along with my TRT. I have the pellet injections I’m about 6 weeks in and my T levels are optimal. Out side of TRT, This would be my first time using any compound. I am excited to see how a slow and steady dose of primo would work out for 6 months. Former athlete I have plenty of muscle already. Started a functional regiment for about 7 weeks now 6 days per week. Consuming around 2600-3000cal per day all clean with high fats (full fat yogurt, avocados, raw almond butter etc. meat protein, only complex leafy carbs and copious amounts of water and electrolytes(BCAA) because of cramping. After adding the trt my strength increased or appears to have increased not sure if it’s trt, diet, consistency or creatine haha.
At what dose do you cruise?
Considering doing a long low dose of Stans’s brew of 160 per week along with my TRT. I have the pellet injections I’m about 6 weeks in and my T levels are optimal. Out side of TRT, This would be my first time using any compound. I am excited to see how a slow and steady dose of primo would work out for 6 months. Former athlete I have plenty of muscle already. Started a functional regiment for about 7 weeks now 6 days per week. Consuming around 2600-3000cal per day all clean with high fats (full fat yogurt, avocados, raw almond butter etc. meat protein, only complex leafy carbs and copious amounts of water and electrolytes(BCAA) because of cramping. After adding the trt my strength increased or appears to have increased not sure if it’s trt, diet, consistency or creatine haha.
200mg of each
Not really, unfortunately. I still need anastrozole, of course less than usual due to it being dht. It's no magic and a bit overrated AAS in my opinion.
Everyone is different. Is that at a 1:1?

I can tell you my bloods from Test and Primo

Test was ~1200ng/dl
E2 was ~ 16pg/dl

So for me, 1:1 Primo works like a charm as an AI
Everyone is different. Is that at a 1:1?

I can tell you my bloods from Test and Primo

Test was ~1200ng/dl
E2 was ~ 16pg/dl

So for me, 1:1 Primo works like a charm as an AI
I guess so, never at 1:1 ratio, but I have taken test lower than primo and still required some anastrozole. Maybe at trt doses it would eliminate the need for AI. For me not even eq touched estrogen too much, which seems to for some people to crash it.

I believe you're the type who doesn't need AI on a cruise/trt? Not me unfortunately, I require a bit anyways to keep feeling good and get the benefits of Testosterone.
I guess so, never at 1:1 ratio, but I have taken test lower than primo and still required some anastrozole. Maybe at trt doses it would eliminate the need for AI. For me not even eq touched estrogen too much, which seems to for some people to crash it.

I believe you're the type who doesn't need AI on a cruise/trt? Not me unfortunately, I require a bit anyways to keep feeling good and get the benefits of Testosterone.

I’m honestly not sure. I started test with primo from the start with this intention. I had lifted for over a decade and educated myself on anabolics well before I first pinned
For you experienced guys, is primo roughly equivalent in terms of mg for mg with test? In terms of effectiveness.

I'm getting back to bodybuilding and I've always primarily bulked with just plain test and occasionally orals. So would say 300 test/200 primo be about equivalent with 500 test?
For you experienced guys, is primo roughly equivalent in terms of mg for mg with test? In terms of effectiveness.

I'm getting back to bodybuilding and I've always primarily bulked with just plain test and occasionally orals. So would say 300 test/200 primo be about equivalent with 500 test?
Define effectiveness. Speaking solely in anabolic terms- no.

It’s more effective in other areas though.
I’m honestly not sure. I started test with primo from the start with this intention. I had lifted for over a decade and educated myself on anabolics well before I first pinned
As you said, everyone is different. What works for most sometines just doesn't for some. There are always alternative ways though.
For you experienced guys, is primo roughly equivalent in terms of mg for mg with test? In terms of effectiveness.

I'm getting back to bodybuilding and I've always primarily bulked with just plain test and occasionally orals. So would say 300 test/200 primo be about equivalent with 500 test?
Nope mate, it will never be.

You want size -> Test is best.

You want some more anabolism with low sides, add Primo or EQ.

AIs are not the devil, low estrogens or too high estrogens YES.
Nope mate, it will never be.

You want size -> Test is best.

You want some more anabolism with low sides, add Primo or EQ.

AIs are not the devil, low estrogens or too high estrogens YES.
Low sides sounds nice lol, getting older so maximum size isn't really as appealing anymore. Sounds like primo is going to be a staple.

Thanks guys
Nope mate, it will never be.

You want size -> Test is best.

You want some more anabolism with low sides, add Primo or EQ.

AIs are not the devil, low estrogens or too high estrogens YES.
Very good description, I like it.
Low sides sounds nice lol, getting older so maximum size isn't really as appealing anymore. Sounds like primo is going to be a staple.

Thanks guys
If you are looking for an HRT+ well....

250 TestE ew
200 Primo ew
25 Anavar ed (if you want to push it)
Half a vial / a vial of HGH generic ed
10iu HumalinR prewo
T4 if needed ed
10mg Cialis ed
AIs if needed (imho nope)

Life will be great.

P.S. I would go for subq injections right over your ass where we have a tiny bit of fat
Primo is the shit. Plain and simple.

1. What other compound can you run up to like a gram of with no sides?

2. Who tf doesn’t want to say “I’m running primo” like na it’s not Deca, not tren it’s that Primo boiii

3. Eliminates need for AI
Damn, I wish I could run it, but hair is more important :-D