Pristine Anabolics Intro

Lab maxxed the Var. Came back as Dbol.

I can say with certainty that var I sent you did not come back as dbol. I have seen more than 5 labmax done on this batch of var and they all came back saying it was var. The one guy that posted in the thread posted pictures of the process and it tested as it should have. Sending out dbol as var would be ridiculous and there is no way to confuse those two raws as they are very easy to tell apart.
I can say with certainty that var I sent you did not come back as dbol. I have seen more than 5 labmax done on this batch of var and they all came back saying it was var. The one guy that posted in the thread posted pictures of the process and it tested as it should have. Sending out dbol as var would be ridiculous and there is no way to confuse those two raws as they are very easy to tell apart.

Isn't LabMax prone, well, maybe not prone, but susceptible to giving false positives?
Isn't LabMax prone, well, maybe not prone, but susceptible to giving false positives?

I'm not sure about that, and I certainly don't take labmax as gospel. I do however know the difference between var and dbol in raw form and there is just no possible way the var I have is dbol.

I'm gonna send some in for testing myself. I would definitely appreciate anyone else that has my var to do the same.
Isn't LabMax prone, well, maybe not prone, but susceptible to giving false positives?
It can be hit or miss depending on uv light etc. It isn’t gospel. Hplc testing is best. I have a few pills left. I’ll look into that but can’t make any promises.
Got first pkg today - 6 day T/A. Can only speak on orals as that's all i ordered, but all looks good! They even threw in an extra pack - very nice!
I'm not sure exactly what you did but I'm dying to fucking know lol! Triple check the email address that you placed the order with...but even if it was sent to a scammer I wouldn't think they'd actually ship you something. Hope it wasn't for much my man.
So basically my gf ordered something and put it on my email at checkout without letting me know. Since I know for a fact I have not ordered anything else other than this I was From England? Yea she also forgot because she ordered it a month ago so when I asked if she had used my email for anything she said no. Funny fuck up. I ended up getting my pack from Pristine just fine, late because of thanksgiving, but fine.
Labmax seems sketchy as fuck to me. I have seen so many witch hunts start on this board over labmax lol. Seems like to cheap of a method...and way to much human error involved. Give a guy on tren, clen, test, a little chemistry set...hes bound to fuck up somewhere lol
Labmax seems sketchy as fuck to me. I have seen so many witch hunts start on this board over labmax lol. Seems like to cheap of a method...and way to much human error involved. Give a guy on tren, clen, test, a little chemistry set...hes bound to fuck up somewhere lol
Aside from that, I don’t like the thought of them possibly being used as tools of the DEA. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but just came across something yesterday about this.
Labmax seems sketchy as fuck to me. I have seen so many witch hunts start on this board over labmax lol. Seems like to cheap of a method...and way to much human error involved. Give a guy on tren, clen, test, a little chemistry set...hes bound to fuck up somewhere lol

I agree, but the var test works well, saved my wife's ass (literally) before...