Pristine Anabolics Intro

Fucking brits
Hell...I didn't even realize he was British till that post lol. I was a college soccer player. Half of my team was from England...and those motherfuckers were wild as hell lol. They said some of the craziest shit when they would argue.
Hell...I didn't even realize he was British till that post lol. I was a college soccer player. Half of my team was from England...and those motherfuckers were wild as hell lol. They said some of the craziest shit when they would argue.
LOL, I’m not British- just like their slang. But if it leads LE to believe I’m British, I’m game.
So what do the guys that are running the dhb think of it in terms of results
Is it bad that I ate 3 apple fritters, a foot long club, and a whole dozen crispy creme donuts in the past 6 hours? Came off Kratom and eat like a boss now. Gains are about to get real this month!