Pristine Anabolics Intro

Interesting. I'm actually waiting until it kicks in full force before I add in 525mg of npp a week also. And yea as to the pip, I've been doing 75mg daily and am debating doing 150mg eod since I barely feel anything from 75mg. Honestly pretty smooth
I heat it up a bit and it’s WAAAAYYY smooooth... you should feel and see crazy results at 525 when it kicks in
I’m on week 4 and it’s great stuff. Pip was there in the beginning but nothing that was terrible. I did try ventroglute with 1.5dhb and 1 cc cyp. Total virgin muscle. Not gonna lie, it had some bite! But still tolerable- non existent after 3days. As far as results- they’re awesome! Its like a constant pump all day. Never seen this kind of fullness. Very vascular and I can honestly say I’ve had ZERO sides. Skins clear and appetite is way up. Id recommend it over tren

I'm finishing up with it next week. 350/wk for ~9 weeks and I have been pretty impressed with it. Zero sides, crazy hunger, steady lean gains, subtle strength gains, and just an overall great feel on this cycle. Running it with mast and prop. I'm discontinuing the dhb and finishing with mast/test c/var for the next 6 weeks into my cruise.

I'm gonna run it at 450/wk next time with some test c and npp. I'm already anxious to start that blast.
Might I ask what your stats are that you've noticed huge changes? Were you pretty lean to begin with?
I stay pretty lean. Low 7 to mid 6 bf%. I eat extremely clean. I believe In a healthy diet above all... when I say huge noticeable changes I mean in fullness vascularity and definition. When I started dhb i was 175lbs for a while 5’7 as of today I’m 183 very defined dry and lean. Very happy with the compound. Thanks @Trenity you da man!! Go Horns!!!!
I haven’t tried Tren yet, but now I’m interested lol. But I hear the night sweats are a bitch!
I don't get them on Tren so I don't know how bad they can be...but you may not get them either. Never know till you try
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What’s everyone’s opinion on deca vs npp. I’ve only used npp and gone as high as 600mg a week. Is it even worth it to try out deca or is npp still everyone’s favorite. Npp has always worked well for me.
What’s your Tren cycle look like?
My favorite run with it I ran my test at 250mg per week split doses, and I ran TrenA at 100mg eod for 6 weeks, then bumped it to 125mg eod for 2 weeks, then bumped it to 150mg eod for 2 weeks. So I ran it for 10 weeks and dropped it. Well...I take that back. I ran it for a little over 11 weeks and ran it at a really high dose for the last week or so, which I do not recommend at all.

For a first run with Tren I would start out at 50mg eod and see how your body reacts, and then ramp it up by 25mg until you find your sweet spot, which usually means when the sides really kick in. Alot of guys run a lower doses based on what their threshold for the sides are...some guys don't give a fuck about the sides and just suck it up. It's all up to the user. Also, some guys swear by running tren ed to minimize sides, but I don't feel a bit of difference.
My favorite run with it I ran my test at 250mg per week split doses, and I ran TrenA at 100mg eod for 6 weeks, then bumped it to 125mg eod for 2 weeks, then bumped it to 150mg eod for 2 weeks. So I ran it for 10 weeks and dropped it. Well...I take that back. I ran it for a little over 11 weeks and ran it at a really high dose for the last week or so, which I do not recommend at all.

For a first run with Tren I would start out at 50mg eod and see how your body reacts, and then ramp it up by 25mg until you find your sweet spot, which usually means when the sides really kick in. Alot of guys run a lower doses based on what their threshold for the sides are...some guys don't give a fuck about the sides and just suck it up. It's all up to the user. Also, some guys swear by running tren ed to minimize sides, but I don't feel a bit of difference.

Very good layout, I appreciate it man. I wrote this down and I’ll have to give it a go. I hear about great gains on it, just been a little hesitant but starting low and slowly building up makes a lot of sense.
I’m on week 4 and it’s great stuff. Pip was there in the beginning but nothing that was terrible. I did try ventroglute with 1.5dhb and 1 cc cyp. Total virgin muscle. Not gonna lie, it had some bite! But still tolerable- non existent after 3days. As far as results- they’re awesome! Its like a constant pump all day. Never seen this kind of fullness. Very vascular and I can honestly say I’ve had ZERO sides. Skins clear and appetite is way up. Id recommend it over tren

You sold me. It's going in my next run for sure now. Thanks for the gentle nudge i needed. :)
I don't get them on them so I don't know how bad they can be...but you may not get them either. Never know till you try
I sweat horribly on Tren. Absolute mess. Borderline so sweaty I consider calling 911
The heartburn is so bad too. I'm only allowed to run Tren Ace, I stil get sides but much more manageable. Tren E is sides in a bottle. Best part about Tren is gains with increased libido with that Tren Dick;)
I sweat horribly on Tren. Absolute mess. Borderline so sweaty I consider calling 911
The heartburn is so bad too. I'm only allowed to run Tren Ace, I stil get sides but much more manageable. Tren E is sides in a bottle. Best part about Tren is gains with increased libido with that Tren Dick;)

Are the sweats just as bad on Tren A? My hand gets enough work already, idk if it can handle Tren dick.