Pristine Anabolics Intro

Are the sweats just as bad on Tren A? My hand gets enough work already, idk if it can handle Tren dick.
Ya, sides are typically the same, just more simple to manage ime. I prefer ace anyway bcuz I instantly feel like I'm superman in like 72 fuckn hours;)
I hear of people claiming the Tren hives them ED. Makes some stay flacid. :(
Thats not Tren Dick. I'm pretty much rocked up my whole entire time on Tren
Are the sweats just as bad on Tren A? My hand gets enough work already, idk if it can handle Tren dick.

Maybe you’ll be one of the hapless tren users that lose all feeling in their wangs. If you experience this version of “tren dick” at least your poor hand will get a well deserved respite.
Ya, sides are typically the same, just more simple to manage ime. I prefer ace anyway bcuz I instantly feel like I'm superman in like 72 fuckn hours;)
I hear of people claiming the Tren hives them ED. Makes some stay flacid. :(
Thats not Tren Dick. I'm pretty much rocked up my whole entire time on Tren

Time to weigh the options... Batman was better sooo..

Maybe you’ll be one of the hapless tren users that lose all feeling in their wangs. If you experience this version of “tren dick” at least your poor hand will get a well deserved respite.

Are worms really that bad?
I sweat horribly on Tren. Absolute mess. Borderline so sweaty I consider calling 911
The heartburn is so bad too. I'm only allowed to run Tren Ace, I stil get sides but much more manageable. Tren E is sides in a bottle. Best part about Tren is gains with increased libido with that Tren Dick;)
Man I don't get the heartburn either. I run my test pretty low all of the time, so I think that helps keep my e2 under control, and in return, it minimizes sides. Just to be safe, I also run caber at 1/2 mg twice a week.
Man I don't get the heartburn either. I run my test pretty low all of the time, so I think that helps keep my e2 under control, and in return, it minimizes sides. Just to be safe, I also run caber at 1/2 mg twice a week.
seems to be alot of controversy with caber. what made you decide to run it. how does it make you feel

First time I ever ran tren, i ran it without caber and it fucked me up bad. I got bloods done back then and my prolactin was sky high...don't remeber what it was, but it was high. Ran tren a second time and used caber, and all was well, and prolactin stayed in range. However, I also dropped my test dose as well. I don't have some scientific badass answer for you. I just run it because it seems to be working for me. I may try using b6 on my next run and see how that goes. I didnt even really look into b6 until I came on here and saw @Roger rabbit talking about it.
Caber does wonder for libido and for intensity of my orgasms. It also shortens my refractory period, so I'm ready to go again within minutes. I feel good while using caber...none of the sides you see people talking about.

First time I ever ran tren, i ran it without caber and it fucked me up bad. I got bloods done back then and my prolactin was sky high...don't remeber what it was, but it was high. Ran tren a second time and used caber, and all was well, and prolactin stayed in range. However, I also dropped my test dose as well. I don't have some scientific badass answer for you. I just run it because it seems to be working for me. I may try using b6 on my next run and see how that goes. I didnt even really look into b6 until I came on here and saw @Roger rabbit talking about it.
Caber does wonder for libido and for intensity of my orgasms. It also shortens my refractory period, so I'm ready to go again within minutes. I feel good while using caber...none of the sides you see people talking about.
thanks, like I said, it's very controversial around here
I like tren but I think I’m done with it. Seems like each time I run it I get another side effect from it lol.
If not for the heartburn, high bp, and occasional weird anxiety I’d consider running it again. But bad outweighs the good for me.
It did put an extra vein in the ole cock though, lol, and for some reason I wanted the lil woman to touch my butt. Not inside just the outside ok...wait,,, what? o_O:D :p