Pristine Anabolics Intro

love the hgh, start the run of dhb on monday, did inject it a couple of times, no pip
I’m with ya man on the hgh! Took forever it seemed to take off but now I’m really enjoying it. Probably end up stocking up on it and continue running it longer than planned.
Keep us updated on the dhb. I got some dbol and drol coming from Pristine gonna add those at the end of my blast.
I’m with ya man on the hgh! Took forever it seemed to take off but now I’m really enjoying it. Probably end up stocking up on it and continue running it longer than planned.
Keep us updated on the dhb. I got some dbol and drol coming from Pristine gonna add those at the end of my blast.
I'm probably going to run the hgh for at least a year, just can't beat the body recomp. The dhb starts 3 injections per week, 2 if I can get away with 200mg per injection next week, looking forward to it.
@Jrock83 , what's your experience with deca/npp, if any? Do you find you need caber with it as well?
I'm on NPP right now and it's my first run with it. I threw tren in not too long ago and will drop the npp in a couple of weeks and run the tren till the end. So yeah I'm definitely on caber right now, and have been since day 1. Apparently some guys with more experience than I have with NPP think it's not needed. I'm just pretty set in my ways
I'm on NPP right now and it's my first run with it. I threw tren in not too long ago and will drop the npp in a couple of weeks and run the tren till the end. So yeah I'm definitely on caber right now, and have been since day 1. Apparently some guys with more experience than I have with NPP think it's not needed. I'm just pretty set in my ways
I wud rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it personally
I'm on NPP right now and it's my first run with it. I threw tren in not too long ago and will drop the npp in a couple of weeks and run the tren till the end. So yeah I'm definitely on caber right now, and have been since day 1. Apparently some guys with more experience than I have with NPP think it's not needed. I'm just pretty set in my ways

Have you looked into the affects of caber?
Caber isn’t needed. To use just to use is honestly reckless. One main issue with caber is the affects it has on the left ventricle of your heart.

Continued use of this product will lead to heart issues
Have you looked into the affects of caber?
Caber isn’t needed. To use just to use is honestly reckless. One main issue with caber is the affects it has on the left ventricle of your heart.

Continued use of this product will lead to heart issues
I appreciate the info man. I have seen you mention this, but I always thought that it could "possibly" lead to those issues at the doses they give patients medically. I always respect your advise, so I will do some research on this. Once I do, I may shoot you a PM.