Pristine Anabolics Intro

Which one is that?

The one where Will gets his shit pushed in on the pool table and Uncle Phil comes and hustles homeboy out of his wad. Classic.

I thought grown up Ashley was hotter than Hillary

This. So much this.

Pack showed up finally. This was the reship, apparently the first is still in transit.

Everything was very well packaged. TA on the reship was super fast. Test cyp was crashed but 5mins on the coffee pot and it was mint. Very weird when crashed, I expected crystals but it was like gel

Sorry about all the bullshit bro. Please shoot me an email if/when that first pack finds its way to you. I have a feeling you'll be having a merry Christmas.
TPP/NPP in the line up now eh?

Yes sir. Running it on my next blast so I figured I'd make a batch and see how it sells.

Just and fyi, this will be the last day we run the buy 3 get 1 free for a few weeks.

Promos Today:

- Buy 3 get 1 free on oils and orals
- Additonal 10% off on orders > $300
- Additional 15% off on orders > $500
- Free pack of cialis with every order > $100

do some different batch numbers share the same raw and just different brewing dates or are you changing numbers only when you have new raw? so could you have made npp batch 25 and 26 with same raw batch but just brewed at different times?