Pristine Anabolics Intro

and maybe next to jano results you can write if no longer on that batch number. is a let down to get different number
Can any of you expand on your experience with Pristines DHB?
Gains, Pip, results, libido, mood, sleep, appetite and any other anecdotal info...
In about 3 more weeks I'll have some solid info for ya. Until then, all I can say is pip is minimal. Slight burn/discomfort directly after pinning but other than that it's fine.
Can any of you expand on your experience with Pristines DHB?
Gains, Pip, results, libido, mood, sleep, appetite and any other anecdotal info...

I’m running it right now at 150mg twice a week. Roughly 3-4 weeks in I guess. Mixing it with 1cc Sust, and PiP is minimal. Definitely Toning more than I ever have. But I’m also running GH beside this daily, so hard to tell where it’s coming from Honestly.
Wanted to place an order but Coinmama was shut down for 3 days :mad:. And Changelly doesn't accept Bank of America, which is what I have. FML.
So, the test cyp is solidified (crystallized).
I read some people have had the same experience, I just wanna double check.

I did run it under warm water & it dissolves without problem.

Should I worry about this?image-2018-12-19-19-31-33.jpegimage-2018-12-19-19-31-37.jpeg
Anyone able to get in contact sent an email no response
He usually responses fast but there were times his respond was kinda slow. I usually just sent another email after 24-48 hours if I didn't hear from him & he responded fast.

It's a holiday session, he may be busy with family stuff.