Pristine Anabolics Intro

Touchdown, T/A was 7 days from day ordered. With the Hollidays and post office shut down for a day in remembrance of president Bush I expected a delay. Communication was on point.
Been on @Trenity Var for about 2 weeks now. Shit works pretty damn good! No lethargy, nice muscle fullness, crazy pumps, strength is going up every time I hit the gym, and I'm even 4lbs up. Pretty crazy

Still out of var unfortunately, like everybody else, my delivery dates keep getting pushed back. Frustrating, but tis the season. Var will definitely be back in stock by the end of the weekend.

Anyone know where Trenity has been this week?

I've been everywhere man. This time of year gets nuts with the kiddos and school plays, field trips, blah blah blah. Plus I got family laid up in the hospital right now. Everything is all good though.

Chillin out, maxin’, relaxin’ all cool an all, shootin’ some b-ball outside a the school. You know...

I am watching one of my favorite episodes of Fresh Prince right now lol.