Pristine Anabolics Intro

Still waiting for pristine to show up and answer my question. He should, based on this test alone, refund all dhb purchases. It will be interesting when I get my results! Well prissy we are waiting.

That tren could easily be in that vial only. Who knows how it truly got there. No, I won't be refunding 150 bottles of dhb based on 7mg of tren finding it's way into the tested vial. I find it odd that results from two separate sources came back on the same day, and both had tren e where it wasn't supposed to be. You're being awfully aggressive for a guy with no basis for calling your gear "trash" other than it not crashing. Seems like that's already been debunked with the NPP 150 that wouldn't crash coming back proper. Ask the guy who sent that DHB in for testing, none of his DHB vials crashed either. Maybe you should just chill out until testing comes back on the one you sent in.
Damit trenity, I should have known based on your name everything would be spiked with tren! In all seriousness, finishing up week 3 on his dhb. I would think it's too early to tell, so I'm gonna assume it's all mental, but fuck I'm loving it these last few days.
Damit trenity, I should have known based on your name everything would be spiked with tren! In all seriousness, finishing up week 3 on his dhb. I would think it's too early to tell, so I'm gonna assume it's all mental, but fuck I'm loving it these last few days.
Any pip issues ?
Any pip issues ?

I've made a few posts here already about the pip. But no I have not had any pip issues at all. I've been throwing .75 ccs in my delts and 1.5cc mixed with 1cc test e into my quads.

There is definite mild discomfort in delts for a few hours after each pin but as to day-late pip or anything, no. Only the kind of soreness that you can tell you pinned something. Probably all that TREN!!!!!
I've made a few posts here already about the pip. But no I have not had any pip issues at all. I've been throwing .75 ccs in my delts and 1.5cc mixed with 1cc test e into my quads.

There is definite mild discomfort in delts for a few hours after each pin but as to day-late pip or anything, no. Only the kind of soreness that you can tell you pinned something. Probably all that TREN!!!!!
Thanks Dipshit.
@Trenity ity you said you might have measured the oil wrong on the underdosed deca? that sounds way scarier then if you just said the raw must be off lol.
In this case, jano’s testing seems relevant; same batch of same source sent separate times and the results were within scientific reason. There is a Jano bash thread, maybe more than one. Great place for it.

Go make your own Jano jerk off thread if you want to promote that FRAUDULENT LIAR who is USING noob’s nievity to make money off of.

He’s a proven liar... not just dishonest, but lies about actual testing results for products that could certainly be deemed as “medicine.”

So no, it does not seem relevant at all whatsoever to trust a proven liar for testing substances of a medical nature which affects our physiology. Something I consider rather sacred, what I inject into MY body.

So no, just because Jano passed a single silly test of a blind sample does not mean that he is now having the moral character to choose not to lie again. The reputation of a liar is just that... they cannot be trusted.

Stop your silly blind tests. He was already caught scamming.
Go make your own Jano jerk off thread if you want to promote that FRAUDULENT LIAR who is USING noob’s nievity to make money off of.

He’s a proven liar... not just dishonest, but lies about actual testing results for products that could certainly be deemed as “medicine.”

So no, it does not seem relevant at all whatsoever to trust a proven liar for testing substances of a medical nature which affects our physiology. Something I consider rather sacred, what I inject into MY body.

So no, just because Jano passed a single silly test of a blind sample does not mean that he is now having the moral character to choose not to lie again. The reputation of a liar is just that... they cannot be trusted.

Stop your silly blind tests. He was already caught scamming.
Can you fucking read? Or is being dense a point of pride with you?

Did I pay or would I pay for Jano’s testing? No. Did someonebody and in this case was the result believable and in line with expectations? Yes. Only statement I made.

Take that hard-on for white-knighting elsewhere. Unlike you, I have no connection or reason to blindly support or trash either Jano or Pristine.

Also of note: what effect does Jano have on what goes in to your body? None. Get your shit tested elsewhere. Then remember this is a fucking black market drug deal not a RX from your physician.
Can you fucking read? Or is being dense a point of pride with you?

Did I pay or would I pay for Jano’s testing? No. Did someonebody and in this case was the result believable and in line with expectations? Yes. Only statement I made.

Take that hard-on for white-knighting elsewhere. Unlike you, I have no connection or reason to blindly support or trash either Jano or Pristine.

Damn man, quit clogging up threads as you say. Can’t you just let people make up their own mind???? I’m just pointing out a fact.

Take your hard on for promoting a single result from Jano to those who don’t care about being lied to.
Damn man, quit clogging up threads as you say. Can’t you just let people make up their own mind???? I’m just pointing out a fact.

Take your hard on for promoting a single result from Jano to those who don’t care about being lied to.
As am I. But you decided your fact overrules all others see what you think is me vouching for jano and decide I the entirety of my post is invalidated.

I must be the dense one here - how does one fake a blind test result? Or several? Forgive my ignorance.
Apparently sheer luck that he assigned two random samples from the same source but different senders two random numbers within 1% of each other and within 2% of the expected concentration of the correct substance. He may be shady, not denying that. But this ones tough; if it quacks, right?

Hey @janoshik, can I get this weeks lotto numbers? Thanks bro.
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