Pristine Anabolics Intro

how's your cardio, more endurance?. how about apetite, trenity says his went through the roof

I dont do a meaningful amount of cardio currently. 20 mins of low intensity stairs or treadmill on days I feel like it. As to the hunger, I'm gonna say no. But I have difficulty eating no matter what. I struggle to hit the 3800 cals I'm currently on. And I mean struggle...
I dont do a meaningful amount of cardio currently. 20 mins of low intensity stairs or treadmill on days I feel like it. As to the hunger, I'm gonna say no. But I have difficulty eating no matter what. I struggle to hit the 3800 cals I'm currently on. And I mean struggle...
How’s sleep, sex drive and mood?
Moods normal. I'm a pretty happy level headed guy no matter what. Sex drive way up honestly. I have a pretty low sex drive as Is but its definitely waaaaay up. Sleep is dog shit. This last week I went to the couch 4 times to watch some tv til about 4 am. Not sure if its directly from this cycle or something else but theres something going on there.
He might just be busy with something or taking it easy for the holidays. I placed an order on Tuesday so I was getting responses then.
I’m not concerned. He’s answered almost before I hit send sometimes lol. None of this is more important than things that could be going on with life (especially with the sick kid issue barely resolved).
I just hope he doesnt take on too many customers to where he cant deliver. Seen that way too many times..

This is the main reason I haven't been that active. Don't want too many orders right now. The hits just keep on coming. Wife and 3 of my kids are laid up with a stomach bug and I'm playing nurse. I had the same bug on NYE, no fun. Orders I do have are going out just fine. No reason to panic fellas.
This is the main reason I haven't been that active. Don't want too many orders right now. The hits just keep on coming. Wife and 3 of my kids are laid up with a stomach bug and I'm playing nurse. I had the same bug on NYE, no fun. Orders I do have are going out just fine. No reason to panic fellas.
Time to hire a couple girls working in their underwear to brew and pack orders lol