Pristine Anabolics Intro


You can do what you want but it ain’t allowed in my book.
I’d have to agree with you here. I don’t like the added risk involved if he’s selling locally as well.

Another problem that I’m seeing is the lack of presence on here from @Trenity
We should have already heard an answer to this question by now, imo. The longer he stays inactive here the more things gets speculated and spiral. It’s not a good look @Trenity step up your game bro!
Are you sourcing locally?

I do not source locally. I just have a handful of private customers I had before Meso. Sourcing locally is the easiest way to get popped IMO. Not worth it.

I’d have to agree with you here. I don’t like the added risk involved if he’s selling locally as well.

Another problem that I’m seeing is the lack of presence on here from @Trenity
We should have already heard an answer to this question by now, imo. The longer he stays inactive here the more things gets speculated and spiral. It’s not a good look @Trenity step up your game bro!

I agree, I know my presence has been lacking lately. December was just kind of a perfect storm of shit for me. I'll be glad to see it go. I know sources bullshit all the time, but this has honestly been a really rough few weeks for me and my family, and I'm doing my best to try to keep everything together here. People that I can normally count on dropped the ball when I handed it to them as well. I had a few mess-ups, but I will fix them and everybody will be whole. Lessons have been learned, and I've got a plan to prevent these types of errors moving forward.
I’d have to agree with you here. I don’t like the added risk involved if he’s selling locally as well.

Another problem that I’m seeing is the lack of presence on here from @Trenity
We should have already heard an answer to this question by now, imo. The longer he stays inactive here the more things gets speculated and spiral. It’s not a good look @Trenity step up your game bro!

I haven’t noticed an egregious “lack of presence” or Trenity being “inactive”. What little of this there has been has been addressed by him without making excuses and for a good reason. Never read one word of him shirking responsibility.
As far as this question of local sourcing and “we should have already heard an answer”... gimme a break.... it’s not a sources job to coddle paranoia and time responses to ease some imaginary clock that’s ticking in a board members head. Grow up. Read back from the beginning, he’s responded to everything.
Also, this question of local sourcing, if it’s such a big deal all the sudden, could have and should have been asked a long time ago. Not Trens fault it wasn’t.
I’m not the only one who’s had several top notch experiences with Pristine and I’m glad about that. Makes my life easier. That said, I’m all about holding a source fully accountable but the “spiral” here is about paranoia which isn’t the responsibility of the source to control.
I haven’t noticed an egregious “lack of presence” or Trenity being “inactive”. What little of this there has been has been addressed by him without making excuses and for a good reason. Never read one word of him shirking responsibility.
As far as this question of local sourcing and “we should have already heard an answer”... gimme a break.... it’s not a sources job to coddle paranoia and time responses to ease some imaginary clock that’s ticking in a board members head. Grow up. Read back from the beginning, he’s responded to everything.
Also, this question of local sourcing, if it’s such a big deal all the sudden, could have and should have been asked a long time ago. Not Trens fault it wasn’t.
I’m not the only one who’s had several top notch experiences with Pristine and I’m glad about that. Makes my life easier. That said, I’m all about holding a source fully accountable but the “spiral” here is about paranoia which isn’t the responsibility of the source to control.
I will agree to disagree with you here. I really don’t care if a question was not asked in the beginning or not. Whenever it comes up I think it should be answered, as should any question asked. In a timely manner.
Maybe you should just read his response two post up from yours. He agrees that his presence here was lacking. You say it’s not a sources job to coddle paranoia in a thread?
Well who else is supposed to answer to the members about this source or questions or paranoid thoughts when their considering ordering or have ordered? You? I don’t think so, that is @Trenity job. That’s part of sourcing and having an active thread here.
I also have had great experiences ordering with @Trenity /Pristine no complaints so far. His dbol has helped me to “grow up” as you say. I’m glad to hear he’s made your life easier an all but that has nothing to do with his choice to become a source and the responsibilities to the thread he started.
Maybe you should get some of his dbol too, then you can “grow up” like I did. :)

Edit; this shit is illegal So I don’t know why you wouldn’t think paranoia isn’t going to happen from time to time. It’s definitely something a source should control, if possible.
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