Pristine Anabolics Intro

Sorry man didnt realize you had a sick kid issue! What's going on with him? I am a respiratory therapist by day, spend a lot of time with pediatrics

Sent you a PM bro. As someone who has had to deal with a lot of respiratory therapists, I just want to say I really appreciate what you guys do. Thank you!
After Christmas Sale:

- Buy 3 get 1 free on orals and oils
- Orders over $250 get an extra 10% off
- Orders over $500 get an extra 15% off
- Every order > $200 will get an extra bottle of test (Cyp/Ent/Sust/Prop)

After Christmas Sale:

- Buy 3 get 1 free on orals and oils
- Orders over $250 get an extra 10% off
- Orders over $500 get an extra 15% off
- Every order > $200 will get an extra bottle of test (Cyp/Ent/Sust/Prop)

Can you @Trenity list the items you currently have in stock again? Not sure in what page was your stock update.
@Trenity, sorry to hear about the little one and glad you are all back home. I had a week long stay at the hospital with mine a few years back and it is sooo tough. The not knowing.

I know you also have to be glad that the holiday shipping rush is over. I may be one of the people that had to send you several emails a few weeks ago. It all worked out in the end. Thanks!
Shame... really need Proviron... been wanting to put an order in too... (unless you have a suggestion at lowering SHBG as much as Proviron would with something else)
Merry belated Christmas fellas! Sorry I've been MIA. My toddler has been in and out of the hospital with respiratory issues for the last 3 weeks. We were admitted to the PICU last Friday, so that's where we spent Christmas. We were discharged yesterday and everything looks all clear, so we are gtg. I just logged into my email for the first time in 6 days and am sending replies now.

All packs are out, so if you are waiting, I can't imagine them landing any later than tomorrow. If you don't have a TD by tomorrow, let me know and I will look into it. Hopefully everything goes back to normal now since Xmas is over. I will be posting what was meant to be our Christmas sale after I take care of emails. Hope you all had a great Christmas/Holiday!

Still waiting on the rest of the order but patience is running thin, nothing in the mailbox but bills, pizza coupons and credit card offers
His kid was in the hospital. Don’t be a dick!

Not being a dick, placed an order around the 10th, a fairly large order. 1 package shows up more than half is missing, PM him, says next package is on the way, week and and half later, package arrives pretty much empty. PM again, says changes are on the way, your order is enroute, 10 days later nothing. He says to email if nothing is received on post #2814, I have and no response. Numerous packages being sent half full puts all of us at risk. I don't have the luxury of waiting by the mailbox for a month to receive an order. I think most guys on here are strategic when they place an order and thats why we want to know T/A times. Shoot straight with me, if you're out of stock or momentarily over your head just say so, I'm easy like a Sunday morning but don't lie to me...
Not being a dick, placed an order around the 10th, a fairly large order. 1 package shows up more than half is missing, PM him, says next package is on the way, week and and half later, package arrives pretty much empty. PM again, says changes are on the way, your order is enroute, 10 days later nothing. He says to email if nothing is received on post #2814, I have and no response. Numerous packages being sent half full puts all of us at risk. I don't have the luxury of waiting by the mailbox for a month to receive an order. I think most guys on here are strategic when they place an order and thats why we want to know T/A times. Shoot straight with me, if you're out of stock or momentarily over your head just say so, I'm easy like a Sunday morning but don't lie to me...
I believe you have reason for genuine concern with that detail.

@Trenity ?
Not being a dick, placed an order around the 10th, a fairly large order. 1 package shows up more than half is missing, PM him, says next package is on the way, week and and half later, package arrives pretty much empty. PM again, says changes are on the way, your order is enroute, 10 days later nothing. He says to email if nothing is received on post #2814, I have and no response. Numerous packages being sent half full puts all of us at risk. I don't have the luxury of waiting by the mailbox for a month to receive an order. I think most guys on here are strategic when they place an order and thats why we want to know T/A times. Shoot straight with me, if you're out of stock or momentarily over your head just say so, I'm easy like a Sunday morning but don't lie to me...

Sounds like Assquach all over again. :mad: