Pristine Anabolics Intro

Not being a dick, placed an order around the 10th, a fairly large order. 1 package shows up more than half is missing, PM him, says next package is on the way, week and and half later, package arrives pretty much empty. PM again, says changes are on the way, your order is enroute, 10 days later nothing. He says to email if nothing is received on post #2814, I have and no response. Numerous packages being sent half full puts all of us at risk. I don't have the luxury of waiting by the mailbox for a month to receive an order. I think most guys on here are strategic when they place an order and thats why we want to know T/A times. Shoot straight with me, if you're out of stock or momentarily over your head just say so, I'm easy like a Sunday morning but don't lie to me...
I feel your frustration. I hope @Trenity properly takes care of you for the numerous inconveniences. It’s only right!
I ordered when he did his last promotion buy 3 oils get 1 free and buy 3 orals get one oral free plus the free dick pills i ordered 3 of the same oil and 3 of the same oral but only got the free dick pills I emailed him but no response shipping and packaging was good at least
I ordered when he did his last promotion buy 3 oils get 1 free and buy 3 orals get one oral free plus the free dick pills i ordered 3 of the same oil and 3 of the same oral but only got the free dick pills I emailed him but no response shipping and packaging was good at least
How long ago was this, as far as emailing him?
I ordered when he did his last promotion buy 3 oils get 1 free and buy 3 orals get one oral free plus the free dick pills i ordered 3 of the same oil and 3 of the same oral but only got the free dick pills I emailed him but no response shipping and packaging was good at least

I got the opposite free oil but didn’t get the dick pills like it said but shipping was quick
Hopefully everything with the kid is ok, otherwise it might explain some of the hiccups... Hoping we still have 2 good domestics in here, fingers crossed...
It would seem if you guys aren’t being shitheads that maybe were taking him beyond capacity since other sources kind of went to shit...
Still waiting on the rest of the order but patience is running thin, nothing in the mailbox but bills, pizza coupons and credit card offers

I thought our issue was resolved bro. Didn’t see your email Friday. Just sent you a message.

I ordered when he did his last promotion buy 3 oils get 1 free and buy 3 orals get one oral free plus the free dick pills i ordered 3 of the same oil and 3 of the same oral but only got the free dick pills I emailed him but no response shipping and packaging was good at least

Sorry bro, but I don’t remember getting an email about this issue. I have clients outside of Meso. If you don’t mention promos or include the freebies in your order I don’t add them on. I’m sure that’s what happened here. Please send me another email and I’ll get you fixed up.

We had some issues in December for sure, no hiding from that. No excuses, I fucked some things up and some things got messed up that are out of my control. I’m not gonna leave anybody hanging though. Holidays are over and everything is back to normal at home so it should be smooth sailing from here.
It would seem if you guys aren’t being shitheads that maybe were taking him beyond capacity since other sources kind of went to shit...

He knew what he was signing up for dude..
In our time there, we did compile enough customers to go private and do decent business that way. With referrals and word of mouth, business has been pretty decent, but we've decided we are at point where we are ready to ramp it up. So here we are.
Not at all denying that. Just making a statement regarding this sort of shit.

I guess I haven’t raised my standards high enough. My last source couldn’t count pills right...

Not defending Tren, he’s running a business and people deserve what they’re promised. We’ve heard the man’s story regarding his family issue. We know it was a holiday. People are voicing issues and getting responses. Is what it is.
Been in contact with Trenity and we're working through these issues I posted earlier. I believe he's being honest, I think the holidays and him dealing with more important issues bigger than us meatheads may have caused a hickup in the head space and timing of things. I'll update as needed...
Issues come up and should be taken care of in a timely manner. Also issues should be a learning tool to prevent the same things from happening over and over again.
@Trenity good thing you posted when you did because things can spiral out of control pretty fast if you’re not staying active here.
Do you plan on being more active here since things are back to normal in your life?
Btw, glad to hear everything is getting back to normal for you. :)
Are you sourcing locally?
Is this not allowed? I need to get better with knowing the expectations for sources....

Side note, does anyone here have experience with Pristine’s DHB? I love the drug profile, will not stick with a compound if it’s crippling and impacting my training, eating, and mood. Thanks in advance.
Is this not allowed? I need to get better with knowing the expectations for sources....

Side note, does anyone here have experience with Pristine’s DHB? I love the drug profile, will not stick with a compound if it’s crippling and impacting my training, eating, and mood. Thanks in advance.
No, it’s not. They should stick to one or the other.
Is this not allowed? I need to get better with knowing the expectations for sources....

Side note, does anyone here have experience with Pristine’s DHB? I love the drug profile, will not stick with a compound if it’s crippling and impacting my training, eating, and mood. Thanks in advance.

It’s more looked down upon rather than being disallowed here. Sourcing locally comes with its own set of risks. So if a source is selling both locally and on the net, internet customers need to be informed of this so that they realize there are added risks involved with dealing with that source. It is hard to remain completely anonymous while dealing locally. This allows possible le intrusion and at that time, the source may have some of their internet customers info available, even if they diligently delete customer info when transactions are completed.