Pristine Anabolics Intro

Results from pristine. Tested by Jano. This was also a test of Jano. I sent in 5 samples , 3 were controls. Jano and pristine nailed it. See full View attachment 104246 results under Janos thread in steroid lab testing. Mine were the infamous won’t crash batch.

So...not trash then??

Thanks for testing man, you have $250 store credit if/when you want to use it bro.
So I'm about to run a big blast and I'm thinking a bout running Pristines brand of NPP due to the 150mg dosage. I've ran his Var and TrenA, but can someone chime in on his NPP for me please?

I've been running his NPP for about 2 months started at 250mg per week. Put on about 25 lbs, 1/2" across my shoulders, 1" across chest. First month felt like I could take on and fuck a grizzly bear, drive fairly steady, hunger is up, best part is joints don't ache constantly.
I've been running his NPP for about 2 months started at 250mg per week. Put on about 25 lbs, 1/2" across my shoulders, 1" across chest. First month felt like I could take on and fuck a grizzly bear, drive fairly steady, hunger is up, best part is joints don't ache constantly.

How much did u increase the npp and what was ur test and number of cycles?
How much did u increase the npp and what was ur test and number of cycles?
I cruise and blast. Normally stay around 300mg test wk.
For this blast I increased to 450mg sust a week, 250mg npp, 50 var.
Last week increased to 600mg sust, 350 npp, 50 var. No noticeable difference yet other than acne and my hair feels coarser.
25lbs of what? which batch number
Mostly muscle, haven't checked body fat but belt still buckles on the same notch. Thighs are slightly larger but most of growth is in arms, chest, shoulders, and neck.
Batch #025 10/2018
Did you do anything for acne to prevent or combat and what was your injection schedule on npp? Im asking so many questions cause I’m shooting npp soon. Was thinking 400 and 500 test. Thanks!
The man pulled trough once more for me. Was anticipating a lengthy turnaround after seeing some stuff from a weeks back but turnaround was 48 hours from payment being received. Maybe the fucker lives next door to me or something lol. Thanks bro
How is his test prop in terms of pip? I've never ran prop, but have ran test ace, but since that isn't an option, and I've read the pip can be rough with prop
Did you do anything for acne to prevent or combat and what was your injection schedule on npp? Im asking so many questions cause I’m shooting npp soon. Was thinking 400 and 500 test. Thanks!
I tried vitamin c and zinc to boost immune system with no real change. I have only skin so I wipe with alcohol wipes a couple times a day. Just face and neck cause I can't reach my back.
I do Tues, Thursdays, Sunday. Tues and third in delt. Sunday in my quad. That ones pip hurts like hell still, delts no pip.
How is his test prop in terms of pip? I've never ran prop, but have ran test ace, but since that isn't an option, and I've read the pip can be rough with prop

Running his test prop and mast prop 1.25 cc EOD, no pip in quads but pretty bad pip in glutes. Also first time running either compound.

On a side note, did some shoulders yesterday and can feel all the positive sides, strength, recovery, vascularity, and pump. So I’m happy thus far and I’m sure the pip will become less with more frequent injections. Been on almost a week and a half.

Best of luck
On my second week of pristine EQ and Sus was curious about the bloodwork thing can anyone walk me through it in PM
A confirmed donation to Anabolic Lab shows us all that you’re committed to being here. If you do a $500 donation it goes a long way towards building trust that you’re not gonna just run off.

The more you can do to build trust here, through answering questions, providing pictures, and coming thru on your end, the more orders you will get here. There’s a lot of us posting but probably 4x as many lurkers that are reading this.
Like me , it’s Jan and gotta lurk all the way from the beginning gotta love the process lol