Pristine Anabolics Intro

Any feed back on his winny ,, dbol, proviron and arom? Never ran non pharma arom just curious if anyone here has and if is on par. Thanks .I didnt see any oral testing #s .Thanks guys
Any feed back on his winny ,, dbol, proviron and arom? Never ran non pharma arom just curious if anyone here has and if is on par. Thanks .I didnt see any oral testing #s .Thanks guys

Running his aromasin right now. They are 12.5 mg per tab. I’ve used both pharma and ugl. I take one pill a day but I have always get estrogen sides no matter what compounds I take. Seems to be working as expected. I’ve had no issues and minor flare ups ( have his nolvadex on hand as well) and they have gone away. Running 150mg test p and 150 mg mast P EOD. So far so good.

Always good to keep pharma grade on hand though.
Added "Superman" pills to the list. 25mg Viagra/10mg Cialis. Tried them with the wife last night and she has been walking funny all damn day. Highly recommend.

Another multi-pack order in without issue. 4 business day turnaround. As always.

Will say there is a color difference between the tren I had on hand (also from Pristine) and what I received recently. Will check batches in the AM. Don’t expect it to be an issue but worth mentioning to you boys. As always, fill levels consistently on the high side.

Keep pluggin’ @Trenity
Has any one got any indo on DHB thinking of running it. Wondering what for a first timer I should dose it at and what it stacks well with and what results does it offer? I've read on it but mainly anecdotal things Thanks.
Around 400mg/wk is good first timer dose. Of course, you would take test at least 400-500mg/wk. that is I will be doing in a week with some anavar and hgh. I don't have first hand experience yet but it is commonly stated that dhb is like tren without the sides. It is also known to have pip so you probably wanna mix it with other compounds in the same syringe to help reduce the pip.

Anyone who has dhb experience please share what results and sides it offers!
Another multi-pack order in without issue. 4 business day turnaround. As always.

Will say there is a color difference between the tren I had on hand (also from Pristine) and what I received recently. Will check batches in the AM. Don’t expect it to be an issue but worth mentioning to you boys. As always, fill levels consistently on the high side.

Keep pluggin’ @Trenity

Newest tren batches are made with mct so it's definitely a brighter golden/yellow color.
Around 400mg/wk is good first timer dose. Of course, you would take test at least 400-500mg/wk. that is I will be doing in a week with some anavar and hgh. I don't have first hand experience yet but it is commonly stated that dhb is like tren without the sides. It is also known to have pip so you probably wanna mix it with other compounds in the same syringe to help reduce the pip.

Anyone who has dhb experience please share what results and sides it offers!
DHB is practically tren's polar opposite. You have increased endurance, increased hunger, muscle fullness, and little to no androgenic sides or toxicity. The pip is a bitch though. After pinning 2.5 cc in my quad, I was limping for a week, but I found that if I mix it with test and pin my glute, I get zero pip. Even if that wasn't the case, personally I'd still take pip over trensomnia.
First order received. 7 days for delivery, due to the extreme cold in the Midwest the Tren E decided to crystallize and freeze a bit... believe I got an older batch with SAF.. don’t think MCT would have crashed as easy in the temps. Few mins on the burner and all cleared up though. Overall can’t beat the price and ready to see how quality is!