Pristine Anabolics Intro

Anyone heard from him ? Having trouble getting email response

Sorry bro. Admittedly, I don't check tuta as frequently as I check proton. Still checked daily, just not as many times as protonmail.

@Trenity , are you using tutanota any more?

Yes sir, still using tuta.

Any promo this weekend @Trenity ?

Yes sir. We are doing buy 3 get 1 again this weekend. Along with a 15% discount on order over $500.

Also, Tren E is back in stock.

no pip cut with trt not sure alone

Have you been running it long enough to gauge its effectiveness yet? I'm very curious about bold cyp. I love EQ on super long runs but the high doses and long half-life make the cyp version pretty attractive. I'm gonna include it in my next blast either way but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it once it really starts "hitting".
my fault my brain registered 1 test cyp for some reason. will be sending bold cyp for testing soon. have used bold cyp from another lab and was amazing.
when ran will be 100 bold cyp, 100 tpp 100 npp blend all pristine. did exact same thing over summer from another lab e3d and was amazing even that low. but might might do eod this time.
Hey all I've got a question about dosing with Trins exemestane. How do you effectively dose 1.5 tabs of 12.5mg caps? Currently using 12.5mg e3.5d with 600mg Test E and am having high E2 sides. Wanted to up the dose by half but not entirely sure how I could do this properly since they arent pharma tabs.
How's this source TNE?
I’ve pinned 50mg and 100mg of his TNE for a preworkout a few days this past week and it did what it was supposed to. Aggression, focus, energy and stamina were all way up. Don’t really like pinning 2CCs to get 100mgs but the pip isn’t bad