Pristine Anabolics Intro

Can’t and won’t answer for him, but I’ll say this bro:

1. Testing by fellow members is awesome, but a UGL is only as good as their last batch of raws. At this point, I haven’t seen new tests from members and I’m sure the batches tested are long gone.

2. A UGL that tests their raws is a safe(r) UGL because they won’t brew over or under, because they know what they’re dealing with. When a UGL tests their raws, they know they aren’t being ripped off with fake or under dosed crap, which means we aren’t being sold fake or under dosed crap. There’s a horror story of a dude who bought “Var” for his woman. It was frickin Winnie and she lost all of her hair because of it. If a UGL is buying a kilo at a time and marks their batch, we know for the life of that batch that another woman isn’t getting Winnie instead of Var or that I’m getting Primo and not Mast.

3. Sources are here for free. It’s not asking too much for them to pay it forward to AL.

4. By his own words, he said he would be testing and said he would make monthly donations. Nothing more needs to be said about it.

Let me add (because the post you're quoting has been deleted) that sources aren't obligated to donate to AL. Some members are a bit more tough than others on the subject, but the source is free to make up their own minds.

Long before you ( @88GENERAL88 ) joined, we had a scammer, possibly two, that would create threads, show pics of a few vials, fight with members, then disappear after a few noobs took a chance and sent them money.

This bullshit went on for awhile. Eventually myself and others began to ask new sources to provide a donation to AL. One of the reasons being, if they just set up shop here to scam, there's no way they would plunk down a considerable donation. Then we would see the song and dance of excuses and know it was another scam attempt.

i hate to think we're strong arming sources, but they need to prove that they're here to stay and aren't just here to grab a few noob orders and disappear. Spending some of their money/profits on AL is a pretty sure bet that they will stay.
Let me add (because the post you're quoting has been deleted) that sources aren't obligated to donate to AL. Some members are a bit more tough than others on the subject, but the source is free to make up their own minds.

Long before you ( @88GENERAL88 ) joined, we had a scammer, possibly two, that would create threads, show pics of a few vials, fight with members, then disappear after a few noobs took a chance and sent them money.

This bullshit went on for awhile. Eventually myself and others began to ask new sources to provide a donation to AL. One of the reasons being, if they just set up shop here to scam, there's no way they would plunk down a considerable donation. Then we would see the song and dance of excuses and know it was another scam attempt.

i hate to think we're strong arming sources, but they need to prove that they're here to stay and aren't just here to grab a few noob orders and disappear. Spending some of their money/profits on AL is a pretty sure bet that they will stay.
Thanks for your explanation regarding that labs should donate. I've wondered why they really should considering that Anabolic Lab really doesn't test ugl gear.
They test UGL gear, they just rarely test domestic UGL gear.

Correct. Testing takes time, funding takes even longer. Most domestic UGLs don't stand the test of time because every day that they continue to operate is one more day they're exposed to government thugs that want to put them in prison.

A few have stood the test of time, but the overseas labs operating in corrupt countries will almost always outlast them.
Even more worrisome is that this source does not feel the need to answer any of these concerns.

He'll be back, even sources have lives outside of Meso, or so i've been led to believe.

But while i'm musing here, has anyone ever pondered the thought that this source is the other half of Assquach Labs that didn't bitch out and run to SST?

Not saying or accusing or even really entertaining the idea of it being true, but it has crossed my mind a time or two.
He'll be back, even sources have lives outside of Meso, or so i've been led to believe.

But while i'm musing here, has anyone ever pondered the thought that this source is the other half of Assquach Labs that didn't bitch out and run to SST?

Not saying or accusing or even really entertaining the idea of it being true, but it has crossed my mind a time or two.

Seriously MSG, I never thought of that, but you could be onto something.
We’re on this again?

If you guys dislike how he operates, that’s cool. But let’s sound a little less righteous here; this is still black.

I’m not saying what’s being said doesn’t need addressed, but this comes up every now and then and it’s like @Trenity stabbed someone’s mother and fucked their sister.

I’m still a “new” guy, but this has been the most reliable source I’ve had. I haven’t seen anyone in here complaining about the product. The testing that does come back looks good.

Voice your issues, by all means, but dial back the sounding like we’re getting fucked by Tren. He should do what he said he would, but in my short time here I’ve watched 2-3 sources go to shit FAST for REAL reasons. Everyone sounds like seagulls swarming french fries on the beach when shit like this comes up.

“Can’t a brother just deal some god damn drugs” - Elmo McElroy
We’re on this again?

If you guys dislike how he operates, that’s cool. But let’s sound a little less righteous here; this is still black.

I’m not saying what’s being said doesn’t need addressed, but this comes up every now and then and it’s like @Trenity stabbed someone’s mother and fucked their sister.

I’m still a “new” guy, but this has been the most reliable source I’ve had. I haven’t seen anyone in here complaining about the product. The testing that does come back looks good.

Voice your issues, by all means, but dial back the sounding like we’re getting fucked by Tren. He should do what he said he would, but in my short time here I’ve watched 2-3 sources go to shit FAST for REAL reasons. Everyone sounds like seagulls swarming french fries on the beach when shit like this comes up.

“Can’t a brother just deal some god damn drugs” - Elmo McElroy
If he’s going to make promises in his intro, it’s expected for him to live up to them. Don’t want to test raws? Don’t say you will. Don’t want to donate monthly to AL? Don’t say you will. It’s quit simple and I don’t know why you don’t see it that way and want to defend.
@Trenity, I’m looking for a new source and before anyone blasts me, I’m new to Meso, but I’ve lurked for a few years. I’m looking for a new source and I’ve been reading your thread. In your intro you said:

I have seen customers test results, but I haven’t seen any test results posted from you.

Are you testing your raws or still planning on it? Are you testing your finished products?

You also said:

Are you still making the monthly donations to AL?

Thanks for your time.

You're absolutely right bro, I did say those things and absolutely meant them, still do. Truth is I've had a rough couple of months and my family is swimming in medical bills right now. I know most people here don't really care about a source's personal issues, and I understand that, but it's the simple truth. Money has been super tight and testing my whole line of raws is going to be rather expensive. At the very least, I will get deca and npp sent out soon, with more to follow. As for AL, there will be a donation coming in the next couple of days.

Meso has been great to me, and I really appreciate it. I don't take that for granted. Just trying to get through a little rough patch right now.
We’re on this again?

If you guys dislike how he operates, that’s cool. But let’s sound a little less righteous here; this is still black.

I’m not saying what’s being said doesn’t need addressed, but this comes up every now and then and it’s like @Trenity stabbed someone’s mother and fucked their sister.

I’m still a “new” guy, but this has been the most reliable source I’ve had. I haven’t seen anyone in here complaining about the product. The testing that does come back looks good.

Voice your issues, by all means, but dial back the sounding like we’re getting fucked by Tren. He should do what he said he would, but in my short time here I’ve watched 2-3 sources go to shit FAST for REAL reasons. Everyone sounds like seagulls swarming french fries on the beach when shit like this comes up.

“Can’t a brother just deal some god damn drugs” - Elmo McElroy
I do not think anyone has said anything close to sounding like we were getting fucked over. I do however expect any business that makes a promise to stand by it. The testing being done has not been his testing but others having it done, the one time he donated was because he was pushed (some may say shamed) into doing so. If he doesn't want to donate cool, don't come in here talking like you are. Don't want to test, cool, don't say you are. When you as a man and a business say you are going to do something do it..... simple.
Glad you have good service though bro.
You're absolutely right bro, I did say those things and absolutely meant them, still do. Truth is I've had a rough couple of months and my family is swimming in medical bills right now. I know most people here don't really care about a source's personal issues, and I understand that, but it's the simple truth. Money has been super tight and testing my whole line of raws is going to be rather expensive. At the very least, I will get deca and npp sent out soon, with more to follow. As for AL, there will be a donation coming in the next couple of days.

Meso has been great to me, and I really appreciate it. I don't take that for granted. Just trying to get through a little rough patch right now.
Thanks for responding @Trenity. I knew you had issues with your kid and I hope they’re doing good.
Kids are doing great, thank you. I don't want to say exactly how many I have but I'll say it's more than a handful, and less than a dozen. With the hospital stays and Christmas together, it pretty much wiped me out. Things are looking up though.
I do not think anyone has said anything close to sounding like we were getting fucked over. I do however expect any business that makes a promise to stand by it. The testing being done has not been his testing but others having it done, the one time he donated was because he was pushed (some may say shamed) into doing so. If he doesn't want to donate cool, don't come in here talking like you are. Don't want to test, cool, don't say you are. When you as a man and a business say you are going to do something do it..... simple.
Glad you have good service though bro.

I believe I've donated 3 times, and I wasn't shamed or pushed into it.