Pristine Anabolics Intro

Hey all I've got a question about dosing with Trins exemestane. How do you effectively dose 1.5 tabs of 12.5mg caps? Currently using 12.5mg e3.5d with 600mg Test E and am having high E2 sides. Wanted to up the dose by half but not entirely sure how I could do this properly since they arent pharma tabs.

I run 12.5 ED on 750 test and 50dbol from another source . I read exe exemestane should be dosed at least eod\ed . I'll be going for bloods in two weeks. But 12.5 ED is the starting point.
Hey all I've got a question about dosing with Trins exemestane. How do you effectively dose 1.5 tabs of 12.5mg caps? Currently using 12.5mg e3.5d with 600mg Test E and am having high E2 sides. Wanted to up the dose by half but not entirely sure how I could do this properly since they arent pharma tabs.

I would assume you have to pull the cap halves apart & eyeball about half the powder. Maybe keep the other half in a ziplock bag until you use it again. I've never done it myself, but I know others who have.
@Trenity, I’m looking for a new source and before anyone blasts me, I’m new to Meso, but I’ve lurked for a few years. I’m looking for a new source and I’ve been reading your thread. In your intro you said:
Now that we are going to be sourcing online, we plan on testing our products regularly and we will be providing store credit for testing and bloods as well.
I have seen customers test results, but I haven’t seen any test results posted from you.

Are you testing your raws or still planning on it? Are you testing your finished products?

You also said:
We do plan on making monthly donations to AL. I think it is a great service to the community.
Are you still making the monthly donations to AL?

Thanks for your time.
I’ve pinned 50mg and 100mg of his TNE for a preworkout a few days this past week and it did what it was supposed to. Aggression, focus, energy and stamina were all way up. Don’t really like pinning 2CCs to get 100mgs but the pip isn’t bad
Did you pin IM or subq?
Touch down gentlemen. Sustanon, Test Prop, Test E, Masteron Prop, and Winstrol. Appearance of Oils are very clean. vials look as they are stuffed to the stopper. Won’t know for sure until it gets used up. But I have some other gear from another lab that hasn’t been opened. Vials are same size, however, it’s obvious that PA’s has more in it. Thanks homeboy.
Not trying to make this sound like a shill. But with those test results and what looks like an extra 1.5cc the it shouldn’t matter whether he’s running a promo. Based on test results product and consistency seem like they are there. We all know customer service is there. What are u guys waiting for.
Fair question, however, I think you would be more interested in the test done by fellow members. I Do agree Support of AL is important. However, by guys strong arming sources to donate to something that isn’t suppose to be mandatory, at that point what makes it any different from a board sponsor paid board like BoP. Much rather see the results from members.
Can’t and won’t answer for him, but I’ll say this bro:

1. Testing by fellow members is awesome, but a UGL is only as good as their last batch of raws. At this point, I haven’t seen new tests from members and I’m sure the batches tested are long gone.

2. A UGL that tests their raws is a safe(r) UGL because they won’t brew over or under, because they know what they’re dealing with. When a UGL tests their raws, they know they aren’t being ripped off with fake or under dosed crap, which means we aren’t being sold fake or under dosed crap. There’s a horror story of a dude who bought “Var” for his woman. It was frickin Winnie and she lost all of her hair because of it. If a UGL is buying a kilo at a time and marks their batch, we know for the life of that batch that another woman isn’t getting Winnie instead of Var or that I’m getting Primo and not Mast.

3. Sources are here for free. It’s not asking too much for them to pay it forward to AL.

4. By his own words, he said he would be testing and said he would make monthly donations. Nothing more needs to be said about it.
Can’t and won’t answer for him, but I’ll say this bro:

1. Testing by fellow members is awesome, but a UGL is only as good as their last batch of raws. At this point, I haven’t seen new tests from members and I’m sure the batches tested are long gone.

2. A UGL that tests their raws is a safe(r) UGL because they won’t brew over or under, because they know what they’re dealing with. When a UGL tests their raws, they know they aren’t being ripped off with fake or under dosed crap, which means we aren’t being sold fake or under dosed crap. There’s a horror story of a dude who bought “Var” for his woman. It was frickin Winnie and she lost all of her hair because of it. If a UGL is buying a kilo at a time and marks their batch, we know for the life of that batch that another woman isn’t getting Winnie instead of Var or that I’m getting Primo and not Mast.

3. Sources are here for free. It’s not asking too much for them to pay it forward to AL.

4. By his own words, he said he would be testing and said he would make monthly donations. Nothing more needs to be said about it.

Totally agreed. Bottom line is ... he made the commitment, where is the follow thru?

I was referring to bloods and the few items members had tested by Jano. What I don’t understand is ... why only Testosterone has been tested. is so fucking cheap, no would would need to cheat dosages or cut corners on. majority of everyone is on it, but I have a hard time believing that not one single test has been done on Tren, Deca, Sustanon is a big one to me because if someone is advertising Sustanon, and they only have a test prop, tpp, and test enanthate blend. That false advertising. Dhb results were there. Where are the others. When my labmax gets to me I will verify whether or not the Winny is Winny for everyone. I was going to test the Masteron Prop too. Because it is usually faked with test prop.