It’s not my first post. My old user name was musclerock back when I thought this site wAs “where it’s at”.
Everything should be evolving and progressing in order to survive basically. To get faster, smarter, better concealment etc. Try to imagine a animal in the wild and how over many years they develop certain features to not be eaten or how it seems they are born knowing to stay away from certain things that can kill them.
So like the animal that evolves. I have learned and saw enough to move foward to other platforms. I also am no longer careless about my health and my freedom.
I do encourage everyone to stop evaluating everyone else and start to evaluate yourselves.
I’m far from any sorta aas Nirvana but I am comfortable with the choices I make and pay attention to upcoming trends.
So people grow up and some stay as some refer to is a “man child”
I can respect certain thoughts in your post. What I am unclear of is why you came back here if you already moved on.
Why go to the trouble of creating a new handle just to basically call all of meso inexorable?
Do you have something to offer? Do you have information that would benefit us if you were to pass it along?
I am all ears sir.