Pristine Anabolics Intro

DHB?? what do y'all suppose the shelf life is? if i were to grab some and put it in the stock pile to use at a later date, say 6 months or so, would it still be good ? possible crash, etc.
one more probably dumb question, since i dont pct after cycle, i just drop down to 150mg-200mg test/week for 2-3 months before next cycle, could DHB be ran during that time? would that be safe or careless, or a waste
I wouldn’t cycle anymore then twice a year. NOT, every 8-12 weeks. That’s reckless and unnecessary.
For those that have been asking, we do still have TNE available. I just left it off of the list to avoid confusion since we won't be brewing any more of it. Still available by request.
I wouldn’t cycle anymore then twice a year. NOT, every 8-12 weeks. That’s reckless and unnecessary.

Isn’t cycling every 12 weeks add up to approximately 2 cycles /year??
Cycle:12 weeks
Off: 12 weeks
Cycle: 12 weeks
Off 12 weeks:
That leaves 4 weeks left through out the year then rest
At least that is my plan
Starting jan 01
Your timing here is impeccable. I've had a batch of NPP 150 sitting for a little over a week to check for crashing. Not a crystal in sight. I'm gonna give it a couple more days before putting it on the list.

We plan on bumping a lot of oils up on the next batch. NPP to 150, Tren E and Mast E will be dosed @ 250, Test E and Deca @ 300. We are also going to add a product I use to sell with 50mg of test base and 100mg of prop, I like to call it Mega Test. We are not going to be making any more products that require guaiacol. I just really hate the smell and they don't sell well enough for the trouble anyway. Frog juice may be the only exception to that.

DHB was added to the list last weekend bro. Been selling like hot cakes!

I have a 180mg/ml npp (tested)
It sat for months not crashed, but then I ran it under hot water for a shot and when it cooled it crashed.
Might be a good test for you just to replicate a warm/cool process.
For me, 2 cycles per year are what I aim for. If you only do one, no matter the compounds, overall you are going to lose a lot of the gains you made.
This comment has I’m 15 years old, or LE written all over it. I smell stink

Hey I agree my jokes are usually pretty dumb. Sorry about that... but LE? Ouch man. Just happy to get my pack. First time buying anything using Bitcoin. Wasn't too bad, actually (had to watch a lot of Youtube videos to walk me through, though!)
Isn’t cycling every 12 weeks add up to approximately 2 cycles /year??
Cycle:12 weeks
Off: 12 weeks
Cycle: 12 weeks
Off 12 weeks:
That leaves 4 weeks left through out the year then rest
At least that is my plan
Starting jan 01

And PCT (if you're not TRT) + time off covers those 4 weeks. So yes with 12 week cycles, 2 a year if you PCT and time off properly.
And PCT (if you're not TRT) + time off covers those 4 weeks. So yes with 12 week cycles, 2 a year if you PCT and time off properly.

I'm on TRT and I generally cycle 20 weeks per year. Either 1 20 week blast or two 10 week blasts. I have noticed I have an easier time keeping my hard earned gains when I do 10 week cycles as opposed to a 20 week blast. Not sure if that's because of the duration or if it's the short esters I use on the 10 weekers.