Pristine Anabolics Intro

50/50 split doses with winnie and anavar is the most I will ever do in a day. I also wont run wi nie for more than 4 weeks and anavar for no more than 6 weeks. I was running pristines proviron at 100mg a day split and it was working great. SHBG dropped way low and free test jumped way up. I ran bloods at start/mid/end of this cycle.

I use his aromasin as well. I take while on cycle 12.5mg EOD or E2D. I went from 90+ E2 down to 30 pretty quick. My E2 was jacked prior to starting last cycle. The Asin straightened it out.

Thank you brother I sent you a PM. I will discuss stuff there with you thanks again
Just a heads up, I'm getting on a plane shortly and will be flying most of the night. I'll check in between flights but I've got a lot of airtime tonight. Time to go home. The arctic circle sucks!
Hey guys I have a a few questions. I'm going to hit him up on this sale.

I decided to go with pristine over stanford. I like Stanford's winevar. So what doses should I run anavar and winny together?
Since they are 25mg caps. Would it be 50/ and 50. Also, how long?

Other question has anyone ran his Mast E and or EQ recently? I am wanting to stock up on this sale.

On his proviron and arom. 12.5 curious if it has kept you guys using it in check on E2. I have a adex script but I do not want to blow through it. Sorry for the lengthy notebook post. I just haven't been able to do any digging in the testing forum page. Ive only seen 1 maybe 2 bloods posted thus far. Thank you all!

I like my winny at 50 and my anavar at 100 when I cut for a show 8 weeks on both that’s just me
@Millard Baker ,when you get a chance would you mind helping out @gunsrus with changing his handle... he’s the rep for Pristine now. :eek: :D
(To help avoid any confusion with his current status).

I believe he has already PM’d you about it, but I told him I’d tag you in this thread if he hadn’t received a response. Thanks. :)
Hey guys I have a a few questions. I'm going to hit him up on this sale.

I decided to go with pristine over stanford. I like Stanford's winevar. So what doses should I run anavar and winny together?
Since they are 25mg caps. Would it be 50/ and 50. Also, how long?

Other question has anyone ran his Mast E and or EQ recently? I am wanting to stock up on this sale.

On his proviron and arom. 12.5 curious if it has kept you guys using it in check on E2. I have a adex script but I do not want to blow through it. Sorry for the lengthy notebook post. I just haven't been able to do any digging in the testing forum page. Ive only seen 1 maybe 2 bloods posted thus far. Thank you all!
Mast E from trenity felt like it was supposed to when i blasted it from him bro. Strictly feels on that.
Sorry for all the ?s I do not like straying away from a solid source with no hiccups ever. An then a 3to 600$ order for the first time. So I might start small see how it goes and go from there my man
Sorry for all the ?s I do not like straying away from a solid source with no hiccups ever. An then a 3to 600$ order for the first time. So I might start small see how it goes and go from there my man

I havent been dissatisfied with Pristine gear yet.
Liberal CUCKED city. Most are becoming that way now a days. Sad becuase Seattle used to be a beautiful place before the LEFT was in control. Now its nothing but a giant homeless and Junkie Utopia.

Agreed....I'm glad I have many miles to the south and east to go yet still. :)
Agreed....I'm glad I have many miles to the south and east to go yet still. :)

The west coast is a lost cause man. I was just in California for a week at my sisters wedding. LA/Palm Springs. I couldn't believe my eyes as I have never been there before. I am a Midwest man born and raised in Ohio with a stretch down south in N.C. & Georgia for quite a bit. Going to places Like LA and Seattle make you appreciate home for what it is.
The west coast is a lost cause man. I was just in California for a week at my sisters wedding. LA/Palm Springs. I couldn't believe my eyes as I have never been there before. I am a Midwest man born and raised in Ohio with a stretch down south in N.C. & Georgia for quite a bit. Going to places Like LA and Seattle make you appreciate home for what it is.

I feel the same way. I've lived in Alaska for most of my life until I moved down south to Tennessee. I visit New York for family and travel through seattle every couple of weeks.... god help this country.
Took four days to approve my thread for some reason. Just bumping to get off of page 2.
Hello, I am new to MESO, I am looking for a new source, my trust has been crushed at another site which I won't name. I have looked through this feed and like the reviews. I haven't yet figured out all the navigation here so I was wondering if you could send me an email or point me to where I can get a list and ordering instructions. Thanks!

Sale starting today...

Buy 3 get 1 free, oils and orals, mix and match, equal or lesser value.

Hello, I am new to MESO, I am looking for a new source, my trust has been crushed at another site which I won't name. I have looked through this feed and like the reviews. I haven't yet figured out all the navigation here so I was wondering if you could send me an email or point me to where I can get a list and ordering instructions. Thanks!

That is a link to the price list/ordering instructions.

This is a solid source. Good products and quick T/A on orders.

Lemme know if you have any other questions.



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