Project Get Shredded 2021 - Win $160,000 in CASH prizes!

The heat is on! Project Get Shredded 2021 has taken off, applications are pouring in.

I’ll say that again….$160,000 in CASH prizes!!!

We are also now slotted for 25 winners!

Our current list of sponsors is: BM Pharmaceuticals, Deus Medical, Dragon Pharma, Geneza Pharmaceuticals, Maxtreme Pharma, Para Pharma, Pharmaqo, Scott Pharma, and NAPSGEAR.ORG!

Ready to enter? Head this way now and register!

The heat is on! Project Get Shredded 2021 has taken off, applications are pouring in.

I’ll say that again….$160,000 in CASH prizes!!!

We are also now slotted for 25 winners!

Our current list of sponsors is: BM Pharmaceuticals, Deus Medical, Dragon Pharma, Geneza Pharmaceuticals, Maxtreme Pharma, Para Pharma, Pharmaqo, Scott Pharma, and NAPSGEAR.ORG!

Ready to enter? Head this way now and register!

You had me at Pharmaqo- GTFOH maggot
Even if this is legit, do you really want your before and after photos being plastered around for a source website? Not all!!
Lmao or it’s 30k Mexican peso worth of olive oils with naps favorite labels on it!
Probably not even olive oil..last time I was in Mexico I saw billboards advertising soybean oil for dipping bread. The billboard basically said (my spanish isn't the best) Healthy body healthy mind: <brand name> soybeal oil

You know what is hilarious? I starting writing this yesterday morning and forgot about it...then later in the day I came across this article:

"New UC Riverside research shows soybean oil not only leads to obesity and diabetes, but could also affect neurological conditions like autism, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, and depression."
Even if this is legit, do you really want your before and after photos being plastered around for a source website? Not all!!
I am sure the first prize $30k will be enough to cover a lawyer retainer fee after your door gets kicked down by the five-oh.
I’m gonna enter, but I’m wondering if we have to use your gear? Or can we use our own?

Any gear you want or no gear at all. It's up to you. This contest is about the most impressive body transformation in the sense of getting shredded.

Thanks to our sponsors though. They are one of the most reputable brands in the industry nowadays. Here is the list of donations. Without these labs there would be no contest. Thank you guys for all that trust and faith in us:

$160,000 in CASH prizes!

Dragon Pharma - $30,000
Pharmaqo - $25,000
Para Pharma - $25,000
ma-X-treme Pharma - $25,000
Deus Medical - $10,000
BM Pharmaceuticals - $10,000
SCOTT Pharma - $10,000
Geneza Pharmaceuticals - $25,000

Click and submit your application today.

Any gear you want or no gear at all. It's up to you. This contest is about the most impressive body transformation in the sense of getting shredded.

Thanks to our sponsors though. They are one of the most reputable brands in the industry nowadays. Here is the list of donations. Without these labs there would be no contest. Thank you guys for all that trust and faith in us:

$160,000 in CASH prizes!

Dragon Pharma - $30,000
Pharmaqo - $25,000
Para Pharma - $25,000
ma-X-treme Pharma - $25,000
Deus Medical - $10,000
BM Pharmaceuticals - $10,000
SCOTT Pharma - $10,000
Geneza Pharmaceuticals - $25,000

Click and submit your application today.

Yeah sounds good man, I’m in, I’ll register later today on the site.
Seeing as Naps is a drug dealer and not some photographic specialist, let me dust off my copy of Photoshop and make some easy cash.

You are welcome MisterSuperGod. If we don't catch you, the 1st place and the prize money are all yours.

You are welcome MisterSuperGod. If we don't catch you, the 1st place and the prize money are all yours.

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i would prefer to not receive the wrath of the Moldovan mafia, as i've grown attached to having all of my fingers, but that doesn't mean someone else won't try to pull a fast one.

Hope you got somebody on your end with a keen eye for that type of shenanigans.
You are welcome MisterSuperGod. If we don't catch you, the 1st place and the prize money are all yours.

View attachment 146946

Am I the only one who doesn’t know how to say that number? Is it trillions? If more, wtf is bigger than a trillion? Are bajillions actually real? Siri didn’t even try to autocorrect it so maybe so..
Am I the only one who doesn’t know how to say that number? Is it trillions? If more, wtf is bigger than a trillion? Are bajillions actually real? Siri didn’t even try to autocorrect it so maybe so..

i believe that's quintillion. You would basically own that country if you won.
Why do you work with low quality sponsors? - BM Pharmaceuticals for example. All their SARMS were found to be AAS and their oils are either not what they say they are or heavily underdosed/overdosed. It's like a child made their oils
Why do you work with low quality sponsors? - BM Pharmaceuticals for example. All their SARMS were found to be AAS and their oils are either not what they say they are or heavily underdosed/overdosed. It's like a child made their oils

What BM are we talking about? For the past 20 years I've seen Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, Indian, Kazakhstan versions. The one that was tested here was bought from and has greenish packaging.

The original India brand has blistered amps packaging and boxes in the form of a cube. Check our website. The original BM never manufactured orals or SARMS and has been on the market since 1998.

What BM are we talking about? For the past 20 years I've seen Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, Indian, Kazakhstan versions. The one that was tested here was bought from and has greenish packaging.

The original India brand has blistered amps packaging and boxes in the form of a cube. Check our website. The original BM never manufactured orals or SARMS and has been on the market since 1998.



I am referring to these guys, I contacted them asking for their distributor list and their distributor got back to me with SARMS and AAS products, never did try their SARMS, glad I didn't, but the SARMS were tested by another supplier here (I promise I will remember their name soon) and they were all AAS.

Maybe the website I put above isn't your sponsor though, if it isn't then just ignore me but if it is your sponsor then maybe just test their products. Maybe I am wrong!
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What BM are we talking about? For the past 20 years I've seen Russian, Polish, Lithuanian, Indian, Kazakhstan versions. The one that was tested here was bought from and has greenish packaging.

The original India brand has blistered amps packaging and boxes in the form of a cube. Check our website. The original BM never manufactured orals or SARMS and has been on the market since 1998.

Why should anyone believe you're actually going to pay out $160,000 in cash? How will anyone recieving prize money actually be verified? Myself and those I've shown suspect this is a publicity stunt, an attempt to make your lab relevant and in the hopes of selling gear to members who join. Show me evidence that I'm wrong.