Proof that SF (and/or) Sciroxx gear is good to go.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I would be a little upset at 1400 ng, dl while running 500 mg ew of test e.
Should be between 3000-4000 i would think.

No I'm not happy with that. I'm now running it at 250mg/week and added in someone else's test p and mast p which I've been running at 350mg each per week since I got the bloods. I'm going to get tested again next week sometime to see where I'm at.
Thx for the update Mr. Ballz... I know everyone is high on Sciroxx, but IMO if he's gonna short the vials & tab packets he's also going to fuck his customers on the active ingredients. As I said earlier I don't have labs to back me up, but the proof is in the pudding.
Got labs done 2 weeks ago. I was in the middle of week 5 on Sciroxx 500mg/week test e. Test seems a little low at 1461. The week leading up to the blood test I was taking aromasin 12.5mg ED because of gyno from dbol. Seems like aromasin worked since E2 was at 25.5. Sorry for not posting sooner..
1460 on half a gram of test? That is absolutely ridiculous for a source that charges top dollar and shorts vials on top of that. Your test is probably dosed to around 125 mg/ml.
1460 on half a gram of test? That is absolutely ridiculous for a source that charges top dollar and shorts vials on top of that. Your test is probably dosed to around 125 mg/ml.

You think so Mike? Is it a "sure thing" that its underdosed at those levels?

I only ask because I have seen Dr Scally postulate that blood levels would be roughly 6000ng/dl after a 10-12 week 500mg cycle.
You think so Mike? Is it a "sure thing" that its underdosed at those levels?

I only ask because I have seen Dr Scally postulate that blood levels would be roughly 6000ng/dl after a 10-12 week 500mg cycle.
Not a sure thing at all, just a way of saying it isn't close to being properly dosed.
Well this doesn't make me feel very good about the Cyp I got from SF for my next cycle...

I have no fucking clue how I tested at 4000 for 350mg Test Prop on Week 4 and you're getting 1460 on 500mg on week 5...

Fucking do they work?
What's your albumin and shbg levels. Those really effect a TT number. I've registered 1500+ TT (labcorp doesnt give me a number once it is over 1500) from 150mg of test a week the day of my next injection because my albumin is 4.9 and my stupid shbg is 80+... Binds up all the test from being used (and thus destroyed so it piles up).
Could low t at 5 weeks be attributed to the long ester of e?

How long would it take for test e to reach peak plasma concentrations? And what would that expected peak be at 500mg/wk?

Both pretty important questions that should be answered before anyone can say with any certainty that the gear is underdosed.
1460 on half a gram of test? That is absolutely ridiculous for a source that charges top dollar and shorts vials on top of that. Your test is probably dosed to around 125 mg/ml.

Dude, after 5 weeks of only 150mg of Test C a week my test went from 323 to >1500, range 348-1198. There was thread on this. The test I was using was scripted Watson.