Prophylactic Thread for Enhanced bodybuilding

Decreased diastolic blood pressure is a class effect of β2 agonists.

Class effects of β2 agonists
Biochemical and haemodynamic changes; basic

- ↑HR
- ↑BP (systolic) [in combination with ↑HR, indicates sympathomimetic]
- ↓K (serum)
- ↑glucose (serum)
- ↑insulin (serum)

Cardiovascular changes; detailed
* increases in heart rate and systolic blood pressure, decreases in diastolic blood pressure and shortening of the systolic time intervals (STIs), heart rate corrected duration of electromechanical systole (QS2c) and pre-ejection period (PEP; as a measure of inotropism)...
- ↑HR
- ↑BP (systolic) [in combination with ↑HR, indicates sympathomimetic]
- ↓BP (diastolic)
- ↓systolic time intervals (STIs) [shortening of STIs]
- ↓electromechanical systole duration (QS₂c) [HR-corrected value]
- ↓pre-ejection period (PEP) [ionotropism]

See: Clenbuterol focus: Practical Research on Clen & Beta2- Adrenergic Compounds, Protocols
Thank you Type 2, is there anything you'd suggest to increase my diastolic whilst on Clen? Or is it more just expect to be low whilst on Clen and just monitor it? Thanks
Telmesartan seems to be one of the best and most important prophylaxis we can use. Thoughts and opinions? I currently use 20mg of propranolol at bedtime to help with anxiety and androgenic signaling along with carditone for blood pressure. But I'm interested in hopping to telmesartan. Blood pressure runs between 130-140 over 80-90
Decreased diastolic blood pressure is a class effect of β2 agonists.

Class effects of β2 agonists
Biochemical and haemodynamic changes; basic

- ↑HR
- ↑BP (systolic) [in combination with ↑HR, indicates sympathomimetic]
- ↓K (serum)
- ↑glucose (serum)
- ↑insulin (serum)

Type 2 you just described me. Man, i would really appreciate if you could give me some advice on how to fix this issue.

First things first, i've never taken ARB's or BB just some pde5 here and there for the bonerz. I don't take preworkouts but i drink a strong coffee and workout days i'm having a monster zero energy drink, which (says) it has 160mg caffeine but i doubt it.

Before starting gear my HCT, platelets and HGB were borderline low (i was well hydrated prior). Serum Na at 135 (130-145), K 3,6 (3,5 - 5) and Ca, P, Mg in mid normal.

After 3 months on 200 T/week HCT creeped up to 45 from 42 and HGB and RBC followed. My BP is at 105/56 in the mornings and 112/63 in the evenings, RHR is ~65 most of the times despite the LISS cardio and walks.

I've never measured serum insulin though. My bg fasted before was 82 with a high A1c of 5,6 and 3 months on T and some berberine my fasted came out at 100 (i had a big refeed 2 days ago, don't know if it plays a role that far away) but my A1c came back at 5,0.

I'm kinda confused and don't know how to proceed because first i thought it was a blood volume issue and was planning to add more sodium, but with already low potassium i thought raising my potassium intake it will fix my low K serum but excess potassium will excrete more sodium and this will lead to even lower blood pressure. I'm kinda confused. My main goal is to raise diastolic pressure, i don't want to end up in a state with a good diastolic between 70-80 and a systolic of 140+. Any suggestions?
Type 2 you just described me. Man, i would really appreciate if you could give me some advice on how to fix this issue.

First things first, i've never taken ARB's or BB just some pde5 here and there for the bonerz. I don't take preworkouts but i drink a strong coffee and workout days i'm having a monster zero energy drink, which (says) it has 160mg caffeine but i doubt it.

Before starting gear my HCT, platelets and HGB were borderline low (i was well hydrated prior). Serum Na at 135 (130-145), K 3,6 (3,5 - 5) and Ca, P, Mg in mid normal.

After 3 months on 200 T/week HCT creeped up to 45 from 42 and HGB and RBC followed. My BP is at 105/56 in the mornings and 112/63 in the evenings, RHR is ~65 most of the times despite the LISS cardio and walks.

I've never measured serum insulin though. My bg fasted before was 82 with a high A1c of 5,6 and 3 months on T and some berberine my fasted came out at 100 (i had a big refeed 2 days ago, don't know if it plays a role that far away) but my A1c came back at 5,0.

I'm kinda confused and don't know how to proceed because first i thought it was a blood volume issue and was planning to add more sodium, but with already low potassium i thought raising my potassium intake it will fix my low K serum but excess potassium will excrete more sodium and this will lead to even lower blood pressure. I'm kinda confused. My main goal is to raise diastolic pressure, i don't want to end up in a state with a good diastolic between 70-80 and a systolic of 140+. Any suggestions?
I'm not sure that there's anything concerning here, which is why you really want a doctor. Yes, it seems like hypotension, but you might be perfectly fine at that. Like the "happy hypoxics," it can be adaptive if you do a lot of endurance training to have this RHR, etc.

What was listed in the quoted reply you posted were effects of beta2 agonists like albuterol, clenbuterol, etc.
I'm not sure that there's anything concerning here, which is why you really want a doctor. Yes, it seems like hypotension, but you might be perfectly fine at that. Like the "happy hypoxics," it can be adaptive if you do a lot of endurance training to have this RHR, etc.

What was listed in the quoted reply you posted were effects of beta2 agonists like albuterol, clenbuterol, etc.

I'm planning to go to a cardiologist, it's a good time to do a echocardiogram and whatever else he suggest me, i'm just trying to find a relatively young doc which i can trust i'm taking gear.

Yes i saw the list was for the b2 agonists, i quoted it because i am dealing with most of the symptoms. It just scared me a little because i'm seeing that having a low bp is somewhat equally as having high bp, only for high bp you know what to do and if not you can find info easily while for raising your bp, nothing.

Thanks for the reply!