Should you run cardarine alongside your blasts/cycles? Let's look at the facts.

There are oddities and enigmas surrounding cardarine, so much so, some conspiracy theorists have come to the conclusion that its reputation was purposefully tarnished in order to keep people unhealthy and dependent on the medical industry. I'm certainly not trying to say that's the case with this thread, but it's worth discussing so we can separate the fact from myth.

The way drugs generally make it through clinical trials, they start with animal administration. If that goes well, they move to human administration for the next few phases of the trial. Interestingly, cardarine's infamous "cancerous rat" trial seemingly didn't even exist, until cardarine was being widely deployed by virtually every single athlete in the Beijing Olympics. At that point, it hadn't shown any ill effects on human subjects -- quite the contrary, as it was being advertised and billed as "exercise in a bottle" by the manufacturer. It had even shown up in news specials, and hailed as a miracle drug by GlaxoSmithKline.

After the compound started to see explosive use in athletes, this mystery study sprouted out of nowhere, showing cancer in rat subjects after a supposed 2 year administration. For some strange reason, it shouldn't have ever progressed to human trials, but certainly had, with no one experiencing a single effect that forced them out of the trial. So, either GlaxoSmithKline had buried that phase of the trial, or something else entirely had happened. Fishing through the available information on the subject, GlaxoSmithKline was never charged with any wrong doing, so it's unlikely they hid the results from a trial, especially since it would have been handed over to the FDA before human trials could even begin.

To compound the mysterious nature of the situation even further, the particular rats used in this study only live (on average) to the age of 3 years old any way, at which point they die of cancer. So why were they used for this study? Further, human trials have shown cardarine possessing anti cancer properties, especially regarding pituitary tumors. In fact, one study on rats showed promising anti pituitary tumor effects, to such an extent that many of the rats were completely cured by the end of the study, and a dramatic reduction in the size of the tumor across the entire study group.

With a bit of context, it's easy to see how some people aren't convinced of cardarine's supposed cancer proliferation in rat models.

To be very clear, there isn't a single recorded instance of a person developing cancer while using cardarine, and it has been widely used for well over a decade.

Cardarine is a ppar delta agonist, yielding desirable effects on blood lipids, blood pressure, and a palpable, performance-enhancing effect on cardiovascular capacity. Further, it might even have mildly anabolic effects, although that hasn't been shown in humans. It has also been shown to heal dead heart cells, and reverse ventricular hypertrophy. Cardarine also aids in metabolizing bodyfat.

Getting into anecdotes, I have used cardarine multiple times and absolutely love it. Even when performing anaerobic exercises, I noticed an immediate difference. I can hold a paused squat while holding my breath, with far less stress on my cardiovascular system. I can push harder during any lift, without losing my breath. But when performing aerobic movements, it's quite simply amazing.

A quick look around online yields stories of guys self administering cardarine in order to treat severe cardiovascular impairment, with results that seem too good to be true, but are beyond profound if they are true. Like this one:

A list of all published studies around cardarine: SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals

I wanted to start this thread to demystify cardarine a bit, since so many people claim it's the devil, while many others claim it's a miracle drug. What's the truth? Well, without major funding, we'll probably never know. But if we really look at the facts, there is no evidence that it causes cancer in humans, and it has profound cardiovascular effects. It has shown anti cancer properties in humans and animals. And there is trial showing supposed cancer proliferation in rats, but this trial is not peer reviewed, and there are multiple potential problems with that particular trial.

What do you guys think? What are your experiences with cardarine?

Cardarine was being used by virtually every athlete at the Beijing Olympics? Do you mind sharing the references for:
- the clinical trials studies
- the infamous cancerous rat study
- the anti-cancer study or studies (serious medical claim here)

I appreciate that you tagged on a link to a general query for "cardarine" on SAGE, but that's highly insufficient! Making a post like this necessitates some specific citations for claims made. Not being an ass, but could you provide inline citations whenever you make a post like this (making grandiose scientific claims)?

You've done a great job pumping up the mystique around cardarine for sure. I am interested in learning a bit about it.
Cardarine was being used by virtually every athlete at the Beijing Olympics? Do you mind sharing the references for:
- the clinical trials studies
- the infamous cancerous rat study
- the anti-cancer study or studies (serious medical claim here)

I appreciate that you tagged on a link to a general query for "cardarine" on SAGE, but that's highly insufficient! Making a post like this necessitates some specific citations for claims made. Not being an ass, but could you provide inline citations whenever you make a post like this (making grandiose scientific claims)?

You've done a great job pumping up the mystique around cardarine for sure. I am interested in learning a bit about it.
This is not a journal, and I conducted no meta analysis. It's simply a forum post.

The trials are all listed in the OP.

No offense, but I do not care to spend hours on a post. If you want more, that's on you.
Im running 20mg EOD right now. I bought a shit ton of it on accident a few months ago so i have enough for life.

It really really helps with nandrolone, i loose breath like a whore in confessions on NPP, but the cardarine balances it out perfectly. Also its great for fixing your bad cholesterol numbers. Cheat weapon. Hopefully i dont get cancer in my whole body and shit myself to death after the nurse pins my last ever shot of test.
I just get the liquid from Great source imo.
Used cardarine from this source. Ran 25mg/day. Cholesterol was worse, liver enzymes worse. Recommend neither cardarine NOR this source. The source was informed of said results, as I provided bloodwork, which predated my purchase and subsequent bloodwork. The response was “sorry.” Why use this shit when telmisartan exists?
Used cardarine from this source. Ran 25mg/day. Cholesterol was worse, liver enzymes worse. Recommend neither cardarine NOR this source. The source was informed of said results, as I provided bloodwork, which predated my purchase and subsequent bloodwork. The response was “sorry.” Why use this shit when telmisartan exists?
Does telmisartan have similar effects?
This isn’t science. It’s not even bro science. It’s fucking Dylan Gemelli commie scientist shit. Get your twink ass out of my internet, you’re making my hemorrhoids bleed with this bullshit.
Used cardarine from this source. Ran 25mg/day. Cholesterol was worse, liver enzymes worse. Recommend neither cardarine NOR this source. The source was informed of said results, as I provided bloodwork, which predated my purchase and subsequent bloodwork. The response was “sorry.” Why use this shit when telmisartan exists?
You ran the absolute max performance enhancing dose of a black market PED for your first cycle, then blamed your negative, individual response on the supplier? Lol.

Did you blast 2 grams of tren for your first steroid cycle, then give a negative review of your source?

BTW, there are plenty of people who respond just as unfavorably to gargantuan doses of telmisartan. And telmisartan isn't a PED.
You ran the absolute max performance enhancing dose of a black market PED for your first cycle, then blamed your negative, individual response on the supplier? Lol.

Did you blast 2 grams of tren for your first steroid cycle, then give a negative review of your source?

BTW, there are plenty of people who respond just as unfavorably to gargantuan doses of telmisartan. And telmisartan isn't a PED.
Does the fact that I got 0.0 benefit from a scrapped project/research drug come into play at all or is this just a felatio thread? Shouldn’t I have seen ANY benefit from taking such a “massive” dose? At least you’re not comparing apples to oranges. This looks reeaallly shilly, bro. I apologize to everyone, in retrospect, I should not have denigrated the source OR relayed my anecdote for those who may actually looking for said experiences. By all means, proceed with the souce felatio and ingesting an unapproved, failed research chemical instead of an approved, safe drug in the same class as the aforementioned failure.
Does the fact that I got 0.0 benefit from a scrapped project/research drug come into play at all or is this just a felatio thread? Shouldn’t I have seen ANY benefit from taking such a “massive” dose? At least you’re not comparing apples to oranges. This looks reeaallly shilly, bro. I apologize to everyone, in retrospect, I should not have denigrated the source OR relayed my anecdote for those who may actually looking for said experiences. By all means, proceed with the souce felatio and ingesting an unapproved, failed research chemical instead of an approved, safe drug in the same class as the aforementioned failure.
When someone is taking any drug at performance enhancing doses, individual response plays a massive role. At a prescribed dose of testosterone, most individuals will respond in a similar manner. When you multiply the dose many times, in order to get a performance enhancing effect, individual response is multiplied alongside the dosage. Some guys have a bad time with only 500mg of test, nevermind 1.5 grams, which is the equivalent of the amount of cardarine you took.

I've already responded to your anecdote in a different thread, and stated that it was an odd response, and that even though I prefer to any other chem source, they're still just a research chem source at the end of the day. They aren't doctors, and it's foolish to expect otherwise. According to them, you aren't even buying their chemicals for human consumption anyhow.

If you and I were lifting buddies and you had told me you wanted to take cardarine, I would have given you a bottle, and advised 10mg just to see how you react. If you reacted unfavorably, we would have chalked it up to individual response, and moved on.

But make no mistake, your anecdote is the product of individual response, when taking a huge dose of something you had never even tried before.

Cardarine is a black market PED with the added bonus of positively impacting the cardiovascular system. As with any PED, there are risks, and you really shouldn't blast any of these drugs at the max dose with no experience at all.
When someone is taking any drug at performance enhancing doses, individual response plays a massive role. At a prescribed dose of testosterone, most individuals will respond in a similar manner. When you multiply the dose many times, in order to get a performance enhancing effect, individual response is multiplied alongside the dosage. Some guys have a bad time with only 500mg of test, nevermind 1.5 grams, which is the equivalent of the amount of cardarine you took.

I've already responded to your anecdote in a different thread, and stated that it was an odd response, and that even though I prefer to any other chem source, they're still just a research chem source at the end of the day. They aren't doctors, and it's foolish to expect otherwise. According to them, you aren't even buying their chemicals for human consumption anyhow.

If you and I were lifting buddies and you had told me you wanted to take cardarine, I would have given you a bottle, and advised 10mg just to see how you react. If you reacted unfavorably, we would have chalked it up to individual response, and moved on.

But make no mistake, your anecdote is the product of individual response, when taking a huge dose of something you had never even tried before.

Cardarine is a black market PED with the added bonus of positively impacting the cardiovascular system. As with any PED, there are risks, and you really shouldn't blast any of these drugs at the max dose with no experience at all.
I’m totally aware my experience could be a one off, however, based on the nature of this board, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it in every cardarine thread, based on the nature(sorry to use it twice in one sentence) of the drug in question. I took what was the recommended dosage, in my understanding, at the time. My recommendation, or lack thereof, is based solely on my anecdote. Yes, individual response is everything. 50mg proviron a day is like eating tic tacs for me….nothing, while others get a massive response. Grain of salt. Glad we could iron it out.
I’m totally aware my experience could be a one off, however, based on the nature of this board, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it in every cardarine thread, based on the nature(sorry to use it twice in one sentence) of the drug in question. I took what was the recommended dosage, in my understanding, at the time. My recommendation, or lack thereof, is based solely on my anecdote. Yes, individual response is everything. 50mg proviron a day is like eating tic tacs for me….nothing, while others get a massive response. Grain of salt. Glad we could iron it out.
You're a knowledgeable guy, and it's easy to misconstrue someone being factual as someone talking shit, when chatting over a board. I was also a bit of a smart ass when initially responding to your post, which I probably shouldn't have been. I agree that you should bring up your response to cardarine when others are talking about it.
You ran the absolute max performance enhancing dose of a black market PED for your first cycle, then blamed your negative, individual response on the supplier? Lol.

Did you blast 2 grams of tren for your first steroid cycle, then give a negative review of your source?

BTW, there are plenty of people who respond just as unfavorably to gargantuan doses of telmisartan. And telmisartan isn't a PED.
I thought 20mg was the standard dose?
I thought 20mg was the standard dose?
25 is the max. I notice a positive impact on the lipids at just 5, and a fairly dramatic performance enhancing effect at 10.

It's worth noting, there are guys who claim cardarine did nothing at all for them. No impact on the lipids, and no PE effect.

I'm not sure how the fuck it can vary so dramatically in certain outliers, but apparently it does.
Cardarine always halves my ldl and triglycerides within the first week. If your cholesterol was higher it was not cardarine. I haven't had any other benefits from taking it and I've ran up to 40mg. Maybe it's because I've ran 80mg telmisartan for years.
25 is the max. I notice a positive impact on the lipids at just 5, and a fairly dramatic performance enhancing effect at 10.

It's worth noting, there are guys who claim cardarine did nothing at all for them. No impact on the lipids, and no PE effect.

I'm not sure how the fuck it can vary so dramatically in certain outliers, but apparently it does.
How do you take it? I thought it was oral but I think I've read where some pin it?
How do you take it? I thought it was oral but I think I've read where some pin it?
I've never pinned it, and I see no need. I just take the oral liquid orally. I can feel the boost in cardio that night, if I take it in the morning. It's my favorite PED in terms of an immediate, acute enhancement.
It’s a PPAR agonist, like cardarine, also, telmisartan mitigates cardio toxicity of nandrolone and a couple other things(BP of course).
I actually have some telmisartan in case my BP gets out of control during this blast, and have been thinking about starting it. I have seen a ton of articles of added health benefits from telmisartan besides just BP reduction.

Do you know the dose that helps mitigate the cardio toxicity of nandrolone? I have always been a huge fan of NPP so if telmisartan can help prevent some damage I’m all ears.