Pulmonary Embolism


OK guys, Was having pain breathing for a few days. Went to the ER doc says I have two small clots in my right lung. Put me on elquise to break it up. I saw a couple other guys had this happen on here. Worried about running cycles going forward so idk wtf do to right now im freaking out because im not even close to being ready to stop blasting gear. I would assume blasting gear after having a PE is a death wish. Idk, does anyone have experience.
Ok, I'm just a random guy on the Internet who has had a history of pulmonary embolism (PE), so take my words for what it is. There are two issues here: Eliquis will definitely increase your chances of bruising, and blasting gear is alway a risk factor for developing PE (although individual risks vary). You know that NO ONE will tell you that it's OK, continue blasting gear. How long will you be on Eliquis? At least during that time, your risk of developing new PE will be low.
OK guys, Was having pain breathing for a few days. Went to the ER doc says I have two small clots in my right lung. Put me on elquise to break it up. I saw a couple other guys had this happen on here. Worried about running cycles going forward so idk wtf do to right now im freaking out because im not even close to being ready to stop blasting gear. I would assume blasting gear after having a PE is a death wish. Idk, does anyone have experience.
I wont be lecturing you on your crazy blast and cruise protocol which may or not led you to such medical conditions. I only wish you to get better and hopefully recover as fast as possible.
My question is...

how is your vascular health? any varicose veins?
how is your blood pressure controlled?
How big are you?
How old are you ?

I wouldn't think directly blasting gear would trigger a PE, but I think the damage caused by it definitely would in the future.
My question is...

how is your vascular health? any varicose veins?
how is your blood pressure controlled?
How big are you?
How old are you ?

I wouldn't think directly blasting gear would trigger a PE, but I think the damage caused by it definitely would in the future.
I have one vericose vein in my calf, not like nick walkers but its there. My bp is controlled like shit cuz im on propanolol im trying to get on tela. Im only 210lbs right now not even that jacked. Just on a small dose of test and 25mg of dbol 3-4 times a week. 30. This whole thing has me freaked out because im not even on a cycle I had bloods pulled a couple months ago my rbc was low end normal range on my trt dose and all my other hemoglobin markers were low end normal range so my blood shouldnt be likley to clot right now. I was in the hospital for over a month in bed for over two weeks without getting up except to shit which took me an hour to get two feet to my left to the bathroom and then took me an hour to sit down to shit and an hour to get back in my bed. I literally could not walk. The doc says the clots look old. I wonder if its from being bed ridden for a month.
Ok, I'm just a random guy on the Internet who has had a history of pulmonary embolism (PE), so take my words for what it is. There are two issues here: Eliquis will definitely increase your chances of bruising, and blasting gear is alway a risk factor for developing PE (although individual risks vary). You know that NO ONE will tell you that it's OK, continue blasting gear. How long will you be on Eliquis? At least during that time, your risk of developing new PE will be low.
what do you mean bruising? Like on my skin? I dont understand is that something i should be worrying about on blood thinners? Idk if its even safe to fucking train on blood thinners the pump would probabaly make you start bleeding thru your skin or some crazy shit.
Didn’t you post previously you cruise on 750mg/wk?
yeah when im heavier i cruise on that. Ive been on hiatus because I was in a freak accident and was in the hospital for weeks so since getting out im just on 250mg once a week and some dbol. I was just about to start putting the pedal down and then this happened.. fucking pissed about this
my cruise or "trt" is 750 test... my blast would be 1 gram test and 800mg of eq or primo and i use and oral either anavar, tbol, or dbol just rotate them. 5-10iu gh, 10iu slin post training.

when i cruise my diet goes to shit

i need 750 to hold my weight cuz Im not doing what i need to be to hold my weight so i make up for it with gear haha

idk havent pulled bloods on a cruise. I only cruise about 2 months a year so yeah i pretty much permablast

This combined with this might be cause to step back and reevaluate
This combined with this might be cause to step back and reevaluate
Yeah I have been off gear for sometime now. I restored myself naturally and was completly off for about a year. Had a freak accident where I got staph into my blood stream somehow which settled in my right lung causes septic PE. I now have two small blood clots in the same lung. Ive been out of the hospital from the lung infections since september. Everything was good and now all of the sudden I have these two clots in the same lung. I want to think thats the reason the clots formed but its fucking hard to say. Had I not had the septic lung I probabaly wouldnt have had these clots but cant say for sure.

edit: I havent been 250+ since 2021. Weight has been as low as 200 lbs when i was in the hospital i went in like 235 in august this year.
Man, that sucks. What's your history with H+H, platelet count, general hydration status, etc?
Everything wouild be slightly elevated on cycle but i used to donate and just a daily baby aspirin. Never had any issues before the infection. Hydration has been shit latley which I think is another big factor.
Everything wouild be slightly elevated on cycle but i used to donate and just a daily baby aspirin. Never had any issues before the infection. Hydration has been shit latley which I think is another big factor.
I would drop the androgens to legit trt or just come off completely until those clots clear out. A good sized PE can drop you dead. I have a friend who barely skirted death from a PE. Healthy 40 ish year old who had knee surgery and got the PE from inactivity during recovery, maybe meds played a role but I'm not sure. Some people are just more prone to clotting. Prioritize getting rid of the clots then reassess. AAS raises risk of clots.

Eventually if you decide to cycle again I would keep dosage as low as necessary and watch my blood levels closely. Especially H+H and platelets. Hydration would be on point 24/7 and diet very clean. You know it's a risk factor now.

Maintain the best you can and get your health in order. If you don't have your health then your goals won't mean much. Clots can take awhile to break down and you certainly don't want them to get bigger.
OK guys, Was having pain breathing for a few days. Went to the ER doc says I have two small clots in my right lung. Put me on elquise to break it up. I saw a couple other guys had this happen on here. Worried about running cycles going forward so idk wtf do to right now im freaking out because im not even close to being ready to stop blasting gear. I would assume blasting gear after having a PE is a death wish. Idk, does anyone have experience.
Glad you survived and I hope you decide to suck it up and dial back your steroid use. Don't worry about your gains. Just be glad you're alive. Go out for a walk and take a minute to appreciate the fact that you still have your health. There are people having PE's tonight who might never be the same again. Some of them will die. Be grateful for a minute so you can decide whether or not it's even worth it to risk that shit.
I wonder at what point any of us would call it quits with gear, or do we even realize when we need to stop. I hope there’s a sign when my time comes, I hope I won’t just drop dead or have something happen so abrupt I cannot adjust in advance to mitigate it.
I wonder at what point any of us would call it quits with gear, or do we even realize when we need to stop. I hope there’s a sign when my time comes, I hope I won’t just drop dead or have something happen so abrupt I cannot adjust in advance to mitigate it.
Seems for most guys there comes a point where other things take priority. IE- family, career, longevity are the more common ones I come across
I personally don’t think this should even be a question. Living your life for another 50 years or doing steroids and possibly dying in less than 2-3 ?!

Either try and get back natural levels or 135 mgs a week of test to give you 700-800 trt levels.
Id def just TRT after two major scares in a year. And by TRT, I mean TRUE TRT that puts you at the upper reference range or so. Not 250mg “TRT”
Seems for most guys there comes a point where other things take priority. IE- family, career, longevity are the more common ones I come across
I mean completely stop due to health reasons. I already stopped before for almost a decade due to family reasons but started trt 2 years ago as prescribed by doc then slowly incorporated blasts and did 2 already in that span.

I think I do not use as much as some guys here though and I sure am not carrying as much weight as some, which hopefully will help my longevity in the long run.
I mean completely stop due to health reasons. I already stopped before for almost a decade due to family reasons but started trt 2 years ago as prescribed by doc then slowly incorporated blasts and did 2 already in that span.

I think I do not use as much as some guys here though and I sure am not carrying as much weight as some, which hopefully will help my longevity in the long run.
Oooo gotcha. I don’t think I would ever come off COMPLETELY and try to restart my body. It wasn’t sufficient to begin with so I don’t have any hope for it suddenly being sufficient after over 1.5 years of TRT and a couple blasts in there