Pulmonary Embolism

The doc says the clots look old. I wonder if its from being bed ridden for a month.
I would think more bed ridden. I dont think gear would be a direct cause of this again.

If you truly wanted to blast, I would advise for "Dry" compounds. prevent water build up, BP issues, stay on telmisartan 20-40mg.

might need to be on long term anticoagulants.(see what the doctor says)

Despite what most people think. H/H is not a huge factor for blood clot prevention. Hematologists do not look at it and be like "oh man this guys hemoglobin is high, he is at high risk for clots"

you are definitely young. if it happens once, it may happen again.
Yeah, my game plan is to just chill and wait for this to clear up and go from there. I have to be on the blood thinner for a month so they will probabaly want to do another CT scan at that point and see where im at. Either way I dont think I will be on gear for a while. Wouldnt really enjoy a cycle if im worried about dropping dead from a clot in the heart or someshit like that idk if you can even run gear on a blood thinner. Thanks for the replies.
I dont know the numbers but bed immobility increases a chance significantly for emboli formation. I assume your clotting factors were checked and/ or you have had a hematologist look at your blood panels when you were hospitalized? There are other coagulation factors in people other than PT/PTT INR God speed in your recovery.
How did you get checked for PE literally the past 2 weeks I’ve been having trouble breathing and my o2 has been 92-96 through out the day and I’m usually 99
How did you get checked for PE literally the past 2 weeks I’ve been having trouble breathing and my o2 has been 92-96 through out the day and I’m usually 99
I was having pain when breathing so i went to my doc who sent me to the er and they did a CT scan with the dye injection.
yeah dude fucking 89% is considered hypoxic. Sounds like something serious maybe covid or PE? Id go to the ER
How did you get checked for PE literally the past 2 weeks I’ve been having trouble breathing and my o2 has been 92-96 through out the day and I’m usually 99
no, I wouldnt worry about that those numbers...

if you have pain in your chest on heavy inspiration, then that would be a larger concerned...

They wouldn't even prescribe oxygen to someone unless they are below 88% and do not recover