PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Received my first order with ppl today. All finished products. Very good shipping time and good stealth.

The only little problem was that some tablets were crushed.
We'll have it available for sale very soon. I'm just waiting for the finished vials test report to come back
Are you selling it as a raw too? I noticed you only have Trest Deca. as a finished product not powder. Only interested in the ace and the one you have coming out.
A friend of mine is on it, he wants to quit it every time few days on then wants to use it again a few days after you figure the effects from that
I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean by that. Are you saying he just likes to cycle it every few days or gives up from sides or something?
I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean by that. Are you saying he just likes to cycle it every few days or gives up from sides or something?

All I can tell you is that it is a 10/10 on both negative/positive, he ran it and felt like shit anywhere but lifting then when he dropped it he wanted to run it again because working out didn't fell the same, he is an achieved oly and PL athlete now into BB he has experience he had never been that impressed with a compound even pharma anadrol which we have
To my homebrew brethren: are there any "rules of thumb" when dissolving orals into solution(everclear). For e.g. does it have to be a certain mg/ml to hold? Would var hold at 100mg/ml? Or should it be done at like 10or20mg/ml?
To my homebrew brethren: are there any "rules of thumb" when dissolving orals into solution(everclear). For e.g. does it have to be a certain mg/ml to hold? Would var hold at 100mg/ml? Or should it be done at like 10or20mg/ml?
I use oraplus and var at 60 was fine and anadrol is a bitch at 80 but ok. No matter what you make you'll need to shake the shit out of it regardless. I have a tablet press too which I use more often than liquid.
I use oraplus and var at 60 was fine and anadrol is a bitch at 80 but ok. No matter what you make you'll need to shake the shit out of it regardless. I have a tablet press too which I use more often than liquid.
How do you like the press? Tablets stay in the shape they were pressed? How many do you press at a time?

Sorry for the questions, cap em quik is good and all but tedious. If I can get better output with a press I'd be game for trying one, even if it just as tedious.
Not as bad as Tren... How high u running it? I'm on 600 mast e and losing hair quick though...
I'm running 600 mg a week to atm to.
Not losing any hair I hope I don't I will have to drop it only a couple of weeks in tho so really hasn't started to do its thing yet.
I have Nizoral already just incase I need it.
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