PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Yes. Lovin it. Been trying to spend some coin since last night and have actually made a few hundred dollars just while waiting.
Vert coin has been killing it.. up almost 100% in 6 days... I bought in and made 25%... there are a lot of comparisons to litecoin as far as vertcoin goes.. most altcoins are getting killed right now. Hard to take money out of bitcoin tidal wave though. Theres a vertcoin one click miner for anyone thats wants to start mining.
Vert coin has been killing it.. up almost 100% in 6 days... I bought in and made 25%... there are a lot of comparisons to litecoin as far as vertcoin goes.. most altcoins are getting killed right now. Hard to take money out of bitcoin tidal wave though. Theres a vertcoin one click miner for anyone thats wants to start mining.

Hey my man, can you pm me. You seem knowledgeable on this stuff and would like to start investing in it.

Never done bit coin or any other form of this nature.
Vert coin has been killing it.. up almost 100% in 6 days... I bought in and made 25%... there are a lot of comparisons to litecoin as far as vertcoin goes.. most altcoins are getting killed right now. Hard to take money out of bitcoin tidal wave though. Theres a vertcoin one click miner for anyone thats wants to start mining.
Hold on why is it I don't kno about vertcoin, and man altcoins are actually killing it I've made over 40k in the past few weeks
Edit some altcoins lol
Vert coin has been killing it.. up almost 100% in 6 days... I bought in and made 25%... there are a lot of comparisons to litecoin as far as vertcoin goes.. most altcoins are getting killed right now. Hard to take money out of bitcoin tidal wave though. Theres a vertcoin one click miner for anyone thats wants to start mining.
Eteruem has stalled now but it went up 1100% in 2 months thats the one to watch the technical side of it is setup to dominate the market .
Hold on why is it I don't kno about vertcoin, and man altcoins are actually killing it I've made over 40k in the past few weeks
Edit some altcoins lol
I'm small time compared to you. I just kind of stumbled into crypto and I am learning about candle patterns and such at this point. Do you trade using candle patterns or where is a good place to get information on what the markets are going to Do? I watch a ton of YouTube traders. Thanks for your time. Yeah check vertcoin out.. it's asic mining resistant thus making it more decentralized form of peer to peer payment. Tons of volume for a small altcoin.
I'm small time compared to you. I just kind of stumbled into crypto and I am learning about candle patterns and such at this point. Do you trade using candle patterns or where is a good place to get information on what the markets are going to Do? I watch a ton of YouTube traders. Thanks for your time.
I'm all about the YouTube traders I ended up messaging this guy on YouTube and he's been helping me make moves on coins and ICOs so far I haven't took a loss on anything but I know it's coming, all my investments are in coins with volatility trading software
I think melody fell asleep on me mid conversation this morning, lol. Well, i don't mean "on me". are they over there in china ppl rep? Just wondering when i should start bugging her again :)
I'm sorry if I'm asking for information that is already on this site, I've been looking but can't find the answer. Is ppl growth the same as godtropin? Has anyone experienced the red welts using ppl growth. What's the difference between ppls purple tops and black tops? Thanks
I'm sorry if I'm asking for information that is already on this site, I've been looking but can't find the answer. Is ppl growth the same as godtropin? Has anyone experienced the red welts using ppl growth. What's the difference between ppls purple tops and black tops? Thanks
The blacks are.
The purple tops are our own line.
No welts reported from either I'm sure members will chime in as I'm a rep.
No reports of welt from the black tops kinda makes me wonder if it was a handling issue but that's just speculation on my part.
The blacks are.
The purple tops are our own line.
No welts reported from either I'm sure members will chime in as I'm a rep.
No reports of welt from the black tops kinda makes me wonder if it was a handling issue but that's just speculation on my part.
I've been trying to find some testing done on your purple tops, is there any you could point me to on this forum?
My most recent encounter with PPL was pretty poor to say the least. Days in between responses only to find out the raw I wanted was out of fucking stock anyways. They didn't read the emails I was sending so I had to consistently repeat myself.

This is a source that's, quite frankly, getting too big too quickly, for their own good or the good of their customers. Reports of incorrect raws getting shipped are another item that shows a lack of attention to detail, which is not a good trait for an illegal steroid source. The stealth method they used on my last order of finished product was a mess, I also expected Chinese pharmaceutical grade meds and that's not what I got, I could have saved ten times the cost and capped the fucking clomid myself.

This is the beginning of a downward spiral, you heard it here first.

PS you can shove the fucking disclaimer about how many reships I get and all that shit up your ass, PPL. With days in between responses, that was one of the responses I get. Fucking joke.