PurplePandaLabs Raw source

wu said funds paid in colorado, im not in colorado. wu main office is in colorado so if a reciever gets flagged for to many pick ups etc. the money is paid back to colorado wu from china. now i know.
so when you call the automated system it says return paid in colorado. so i think some fucker picked my money up in colorado. stupid
Hey guys, I pinned some Test E and EQ yesterday for the second time after being hesitant on the first injection because of the large lump and pip it caused. It's slowly dissipating as per usual but the pip was bad but I could still function.

Today I am crippled after pinning left glute. I have read about some serious pip from people over the years and suspected they had low pain tolerance but this.. this feels like someone kicked my in the ass a few times wearing a steel-toe boot. I am limping around the house and its a chore just to get up and down from being seated. I think if the pain feels like this way after every injection there is no way I'll be able to continue with this cycle. I wont be able to train, nor will I be able to even go to work, and I am not exaggerating.

I also noticed about 5 hours ago I started to feel quite shitty and flu like symptoms, so Ive taken my temperature and it is at 100.8 Now ive never had test flu and im surely this is what it is and it sucks.

I’m in the same boat, I’ve been running PPL test-e and I’ve felt like crap this cycle, and bad pip. I just pull bloods today and I’m done with his test-e, I’m switching it up. I should have blood work back next week.
I’ve been dealing with this shit going on 5 weeks. And I completely understand it sucks. 5 weeks in on test cyp 750mg pw and not one shot that I haven’t had pip from. Ive had the crippling pip you talk about but I’ve also had more tolerable pip. The only thing I can tell you is to warm your vial before pinning and push super slow on that plunger. Makes it alittle better for me

How u guys think i feel pinning 3-4 days a week with painful ass npp. In pain all week.
Took me a while to get caught up after 10 days of not reading, geez.

Also have Mig and the first two injections per site where sore, small knot and only slight pain at the end of the ROM of the muscle I injected. After that no knots, no soreness.

So I'm one of the few that tolerates it. The thinness of the oil really makes it hard to go slow I have to agree. If I go too fast I'll feel it (sometimes) for a day or two but nothing at all like described here by some.

Now on 8 weeks of 200mg Test-E/wk (finished EU dom) I'll get labs next week.
i like the idea of using bitcoin where everything is done at the same time. i dont want any bitcoin sitting somewhere losing value over night. id like to pay for bitcoin, send the bitcoin, be done with that transaction all in one shot.
I have like a mental block when it comes to bitcoin .. for some reason I just do not understand the concept .. even tho I've only done little research

Don't need to understand the concept. Just how to add money and send it.

Coinbase is the easiest way. Sign up. Verify yourself . Buy bitcoin. Keep bitcoin in a different wallet (some research is need here). Sent to PPL from wallet. Receive gear.
Last summer i used a Bitcoin ATM, yes they do exist. way to hefty of a fee though. it was kinda cool concept. i brought the sources wallet address with me to the atm typed in the bitcoin amount i wanted sent to this wallet and feed in the cash it asked for plus a big fee.
Ok so pretty much you Buying and selling percentages of bitcoins ? Like you can buy 300 US dollars worth of bitcoin and only receive .0363 of a damn bitcoin? Shit is so sketchy I just don't understand
Ok so pretty much you Buying and selling percentages of bitcoins ? Like you can buy 300 US dollars worth of bitcoin and only receive .0363 of a damn bitcoin? Shit is so sketchy I just don't understand

I don't even try to understand the ratio, with coinbase i put in the US dollar amount and it sends the Bitcoin amount, as long as the bit coin amount is equal to or higher it all good
I was hesitant with bitcoin at first but once my favorite source recommended bitcoin because on issues with WU/MG i decided to sit down and figure it out and it’s actually very easy

