PurplePandaLabs Raw source

To each their own man, but you can most likely hit 200+ lbs just running 600-800 of test alone. I LOOOOOOVE me testosterones brother and for me bulking on just test is awesome, but a bit of tren and eq is fun too lol :)
My first run with EQ. The vascularity effects are unreal.
I'm punishing those guns, shame that my chest ain't growing at same rate:-D
I'm currently at 87kg, you think guys it would be possible to reach 100kg?
750mg test en and 600mg deca weekly with tren ace 100mg eod
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Hey bros,

Two questions;

1. I received 250mg/ml test cyp back in October. I thought it was supposed to be GSO. It is that amber color, but it pulls like it's much thinner than what im used to for GSO. Is this the batch that PPL was using mig for?

2. I've been on trt with no pip ever, injecting the medial glutes. Never had pip, but now both my cheeks are sore, swollen, and unpinnable. How dumb would it be to switch to delts?
Hey bros,

Two questions;

1. I received 250mg/ml test cyp back in October. I thought it was supposed to be GSO. It is that amber color, but it pulls like it's much thinner than what im used to for GSO. Is this the batch that PPL was using mig for?

2. I've been on trt with no pip ever, injecting the medial glutes. Never had pip, but now both my cheeks are sore, swollen, and unpinnable. How dumb would it be to switch to delts?
Miglyol will look like water clear .
Sounds like yours is gso.
whatsup fellas, just wanted to share my progress so far purely from homebrewed raws, obviously from ppl as this is his thread
Progress is from 77kg to 87kg on the right.
Strength is through the roof, starting to get o_O looks in the local gym.
Cycle started with short ester test prop/npp and switched to test en/deca + anavar.
Now im running test en+deca+ tren ace
Tren ace just about to kick in couple of days
Quite pleased so far.

Week 3 of Panda's NPP got me looking right.
Good job fellas I'm glad you like the results from our products keep killing it.
I'm punishing those guns, shame that my chest ain't growing at same rate:-D
I'm currently at 87kg, you think guys it would be possible to reach 100kg?
750mg test en and 600mg deca weekly with tren ace 100mg eod
I think you can do it but I think you’d have a lot of weight that would be more water and mass not solid like you are now.
I think you can do it but I think you’d have a lot of weight that would be more water and mass not solid like you are now.
Hmm so it would be wiser to lets say get to 90-95kg then cut down below 10% bf and then slowly gain more, whadya say?
Me personally I’m more in favor of lean mass then not so much cut but just lose the water and little fat just to expose the muscle and veins. I’m also not the most disciplined either when it come to diet. I can put it on but have never been able to take it all off. I’m naturally larger framed and muscled so I like that I can keep that mostly year round but then come the summer I lean out because of work. Never to the point of less than 10 percent. From your log I think you’re better disciplined so definitely eat more than maintenance but keep it clean and put on the solid weight then trim the fat and water later. I wouldn’t put a weight number to it. Just how you look and feel. Just guessing but from your log and some of your posts I think you’d be happier that way. Just my opinion though.
Seeing all these booming results has got me jealous as fuck. Im going to post a thread in the appropriate place to find out what the fuck im not doing right...congrats to all posting stellar results though. Looking respectable, gentlemen.
How old are you? How long you been lifting and what did you weigh before you cut? Was it for a show? Did you start talking gear weighing 150s?

Im 29. This is my 3rd cycle but the best one. My first cycle was 500mg test-e i blew up from 168 to 186 but looked like shit...bloated as fuck.

Then cut down to 150lbs on a cruise 250mg test. 2nd cycle was the same as this one but it was a mess cus i was using deca instead of npp and i developed gyno so i think the deca was test then 4 weeks in i continued the cycle but switched over to npp for another 4 weeks. I got back up to 182ish.

Then cut on 100test/100tren/100mast but the tren was bunk and i lost almost all my gains in the first few weeks. I even uped the tren to 300mg and i still was not gettiing anything from it. So basically i was just on 100mg test/100mast for 10 weeks. Now im here.

I hopped on about 2 years of working out. Never did any shows lol. Im still a noob. Im lean everywhere but my stomach area. Ive been skinny fat all my life. Could barely see abs at 150lbs after my cut.
Alright brahs, did my first shot of that test/deca blend after diluting it 1 to 1 with gso...hoping it will fix all the issues I had the previous week and so far it seems to have helped a lot, although it’s still early to know for sure, it’s only been about maybe like 4-5 hours max...also, rather than go back into my delts again I switched to my glutes for this week to give my delts a week to recover, cuz they got torn the fuck up from the high concentration gear...I can’t even tell I did I shot today though, which is way different than it was before I diluted it. I feel pretty sure that diluting the gear fixed all the problems. If I find that is not the case in the next couple days I will keep y’all updated, but this definitely seems like the solution to the problem.

I feel great now.

Thanks @PurplePandaLabs Rep. and @Samael for taking the time to help me figure it out, as well as anyone else who helped. I owe ya
I'm punishing those guns, shame that my chest ain't growing at same rate:-D
I'm currently at 87kg, you think guys it would be possible to reach 100kg?
750mg test en and 600mg deca weekly with tren ace 100mg eod

Bulk up for the next 8-12 months and you should be able to hit 100kg+ no problem. Eat clean and train hard dude :)
My only question about this is are you saying 24k gear didn’t do the job and panda gear is that much better. I’ve been here awhile as well and 24k was one of the best sources on here and never really had bad reviews. I even remember the time his tren people said was underdosed and sent he our free bottles to those who order to replace the supposed underdosed gear. Then test came back it wasn’t underdosed at all. Your transformation is great but I’m wondering if you are saying that’s all pandas gear. I’ve ran panda as well and still am and it’s good gear as well going by bloods posted on here and my last blast.

I just wondered if you really thought it was all do to panda or maybe you are running more gear now than you did with 24k. Just am curious

Just to clarify:

No, 24k was great. I was just saying I switched from 24k to brewing panda raws (24k obviously shut down and remains well respected)....the first 6 months was 24k and test only... tons of great gains...

Yes, I am on more gear now... Obviously, it's a multitude of different things that contribute to the gains.. caloric intake probably just as important as gear, training, and adequate rest/sleep....
I have to lol at all the peeps who think Trest is so amazing. Reminds me of ten or so years ago when everyone was jumping on the 1-test-cyp train like it was this amazing thing, but that fad didn't last long and this ment fad won't either. Sure some guys might like it, but I'm pretty sure 9/10 users won't be all that impressed. Shit I only ran the ace version for two weeks(daily)and my balls are smaller than they have ever been :( To each their own I suppose!
I've ran trest a bunch of times... full cycles.(prob 10 vials of ace - total). it's hard to keep the gains, so I use it for endurance, libido, great full look and sense of well being, but rely on npp for solid gains...it has it's place without a question...
I'm punishing those guns, shame that my chest ain't growing at same rate:-D
I'm currently at 87kg, you think guys it would be possible to reach 100kg?
750mg test en and 600mg deca weekly with tren ace 100mg eod
What's your chest day like? Great size brother.