PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Meso wants one thing and one thing only: bloods from established members that can be trusted. It would be what I want anyway.

Mid day Monday I have my appointment. Numbers will do the talking...

Absolutely true. A truer word won't be spoken on this thread.

That's not allowed. Report that asap please. It's a button in the pm, it reports to @Millard Baker

Did that, never heard anything. Oh well.

Bloods are the best science as far as the quality of gear goes.

"Shit is fire" doesn't cut it for me.


So i stand partially corrected, but it's still a controversial usage apparently.
Why is "earnt" not a word?

As for the vetting, its definitely necessary for safety and well being of members IF done properly. Unlike some asshats that haven't been here long enough to even consider themselves knowledgeable in the most remote form of meso vetting for sources whom want to source on a non-source board, but still the post garbage responses and requests that hold no weight and just clutter up a thread making it hard for people like @CdnGuy to actually try to find out if a source is worthy of staying here. However, it is still necessary to ruffle their feathers a little at least in order to see how they respond to hostility much like a dissatisfied customer. That's how we measure their professionalism and willingness to ensure customer satisfaction. I think i covered all of my points...

Didn't click the link, but yep it's a word.

I definitely feel that the "vetting" here sometimes does more to satisfy the urge of some members to insult others more so than it does to contribute to actual harm reduction, but it's by far a better process than accepting sources at their word.

If you had faith in Hammer / Prime-Pharma, you'd end up with gangrene or some other ugly shit.

I think it tends to be a bloodhunt 99% of the time. I think a much better process would be simply:

New source comes along.

Ask for:

1) References from other sources/boards/posts etc

2) Pics of product, along with brewing info and testing protocols

3) A donation to anabolic lab along with a donation of product to be tested

4) If that's all good, have a random order tested again at Anabolic lab

5) after this, product is cautiously approved

6) Time tells the truth

I don't think any of the slamming and "gem" hunting are of any use. Just makes us look childish.
Absolutely true. A truer word won't be spoken on this thread.

Did that, never heard anything. Oh well.


Didn't click the link, but yep it's a word.

I think it tends to be a bloodhunt 99% of the time. I think a much better process would be simply:

New source comes along.

Ask for:

1) References from other sources/boards/posts etc

2) Pics of product, along with brewing info and testing protocols

3) A donation to anabolic lab along with a donation of product to be tested

4) If that's all good, have a random order tested again at Anabolic lab

5) after this, product is cautiously approved

6) Time tells the truth

I don't think any of the slamming and "gem" hunting are of any use. Just makes us look childish.
You really pick up fast around here...is this your first time on Meso?
Some boards thInk less of other boards goes forr boards.
So much is said about meso. About vetting" process. And im not singling out @CdnGuy or accusing him of anything. Its almost become built into the fabric of meso. But its said that meso scares sources away, scamming and good, because behind the scenes theres a lot of private sources being pushed.
It happened to alp, who if you ask some would say he's golden, but ask meso and they would say he's not.
I'm speaking in general. Just what I've witnessed in my limited time here.

I respect your honesty & opinion but as for pushing private sources. Are you accusing me of this? Wrong guy my friend ! As for the harsh "vetting" well there's no special treatment.Every lab who opens here goes through the same hurdles til proven. This treatment is nothing new, unfortunately many have retired from the underground.So yes I stick out like a sore thumb lol But its not going to change my approach.

however alot of bad is said about Meso, and alot of bad about others. What I have noticed is that Meso tends to be highly segregated in terms of opinions of sources.
Interesting you said that considering your a "new guy" and I couldn't tell by this post.(bashing labs)
2017-03-17 12.30.56.png
Also, my first few days here I got solicited via PM to buy gear, that's never happened to me before and definitely tarnished my opinion of the board.
That's why I have a sceptical opinion. However, we live, we learn, we grow.
"Never happened before" You poor innocent flower are you ok? I'm not buying your act pal! You know exactly how shit works In the game so spare me!
2017-03-17 11.42.56.png

Edit- My bad for getting off track so @purplepandalabs anytime you wanna post those pics sir. Cheers
The ask for a donation to anabolic lab is borderline extortion. Unless the sources products will be tested on anabolic lab, why should they care?

It's a drop in the bucket for most sources so why not ask? Right?

And for the most part, the sources will do it.
Absolutely true. A truer word won't be spoken on this thread.

Did that, never heard anything. Oh well.


Didn't click the link, but yep it's a word.

I think it tends to be a bloodhunt 99% of the time. I think a much better process would be simply:

New source comes along.

Ask for:

1) References from other sources/boards/posts etc

2) Pics of product, along with brewing info and testing protocols

3) A donation to anabolic lab along with a donation of product to be tested

4) If that's all good, have a random order tested again at Anabolic lab

5) after this, product is cautiously approved

6) Time tells the truth

I don't think any of the slamming and "gem" hunting are of any use. Just makes us look childish.
Unaccepted word in modern language. Don't be lazy bro. Especially trying to call out Canadian.
The ask for a donation to anabolic lab is borderline extortion. Unless the sources products will be tested on anabolic lab, why should they care?

It's a drop in the bucket for most sources so why not ask? Right?

And for the most part, the sources will do it.

They're sourcing (making cash) without paying a dime to any mods like they'd have to do at any other board.

It also supports a good cause.

They aren't obligated to do this either, so it shows a sign of good faith, that they aren't just here to suck up all the cash they can.
The ask for a donation to anabolic lab is borderline extortion. Unless the sources products will be tested on anabolic lab, why should they care?

It's a drop in the bucket for most sources so why not ask? Right?

And for the most part, the sources will do it.
It helps to kinda gauge if they are serious about being here and what they think about meso. And future customers.
Can't be bothered tagging, but to the above.

Seriously guys, "earnt" is a word, I'm not gonna debate this, it's a word. Anyone arguing against it's use is being pedantic and I'm not going to bother debating english on a bodybuilding forum.

Never called out Cdnguy, again, grown man here, not "calling out" anyone. If anyone is calling anyone out, Cdnguy is calling me out, but seriously, it's a bodybuilding forum, lets all relax.

This is all abit silly. All I will say is "earnt" is a word. Not calling anyone out, I'm an adult. Not a rep/shill/lover of any source here. I buy domestic only and all the sources here don't ship to my country.

Let's stop being silly and lift some damn weights!!!

^^^ that's all I could find ya... Good Luck
Can't be bothered tagging, but to the above.

Seriously guys, "earnt" is a word, I'm not gonna debate this, it's a word. Anyone arguing against it's use is being pedantic and I'm not going to bother debating english on a bodybuilding forum.

Never called out Cdnguy, again, grown man here, not "calling out" anyone. If anyone is calling anyone out, Cdnguy is calling me out, but seriously, it's a bodybuilding forum, lets all relax.

This is all abit silly. All I will say is "earnt" is a word. Not calling anyone out, I'm an adult. Not a rep/shill/lover of any source here. I buy domestic only and all the sources here don't ship to my country.

Let's stop being silly and lift some damn weights!!!
I see now why you use earnt. You are right it is a word. Not accepted in my country in the last 150 years but still a word. Lift heavy, get strong, stay healthy
I respect your honesty & opinion but as for pushing private sources. Are you accusing me of this? Wrong guy my friend ! As for the harsh "vetting" well there's no special treatment.Every lab who opens here goes through the same hurdles til proven. This treatment is nothing new, unfortunately many have retired from the underground.So yes I stick out like a sore thumb lol But its not going to change my approach.

Interesting you said that considering your a "new guy" and I couldn't tell by this post.(bashing labs)
View attachment 64213

"Never happened before" You poor innocent flower are you ok? I'm not buying your act pal! You know exactly how shit works In the game so spare me!
View attachment 64216

Edit- My bad for getting off track so @purplepandalabs anytime you wanna post those pics sir. Cheers

Have another puff, fucktard - you really need to relax. It's absolutely laughable how serious you take yourself :D
Still a dark night in China I guess. :oops:Did the sun forget to rise or something Panda ?

You are a pathetic little fucktard, suffering from a clear case of delusional grandeur. I'd have been harsher if your condition wasn't so obviously mitigated by borderline mental retardation.

That's why most people tolerate you here bro, just like they do the mong kid tailing their own shadow. Chin up and try not to drool all over yourself, Cdngay - I've decided to cut you some slack, poes.
You are a pathetic little fucktartdffering from a clear case of delusional grandeur. I'd have been harsher if your condition wasn't so obviously mitigated by borderline mental retardation.

That's why most people tolerate you here bro, just like they do the mong kid tailing their own shadow. Chin up and try not to drool all over yourself, Cdngay - I've decided to cut you some slack, poes.
This coming from the stalker troll that has quoted me over 200 times!!!! Lmao Sry twink you're barking up the wrong tree run along.