PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Explains the redness, hot to touch, tender swelling from the domestic Tren Ace I ordered a few weeks ago. I’ve dealt with bad pip but this was different
I get the same pip..
its fuckin weird.. I get a red circle near the injection site (near, mind you.. not the fucking inj site wich is weird as shit,..)then the leg stays hot and swollen for 4 days..
and its hard to walk on for those 4 days..this usually only happens in the quad..
the heat and swollenness happens everywhere..
this is truly fucked... got quiet some money invested in this last order(wich ive only received half of since nov 6.. ohh and it was not seized btw)
now.. it seems the fuckin product either is bunk or has cunt hairs in it..
ohh and btw,
I usually get tren sides .. and havnt gotten 1 from this labs tren..
Very good idea but it really needs to be done in a laboratory environment because the risk of contamination is so easy with agar disks unless you have a glovebox with filtered air running into it

You just need to test several samples from the same vial. Then you need all of them to grow to prove it's something from the vial and not outside contamination. The odds of all of them getting contaminated while setting up the dish are extremely low. Well, extremely low assuming you don't set them up inside a dog house like Elite used to brew gear.
Anyone that does not filter their UG gear isplaying rusian roulette. I always filter through a whatman into a sterile precapped vial. We are only talking a few bucks and some muscle. The caulk gun idea is brilliant. It wont change the hormone,if it says test but is something else at least it will be clean
whos to say the raws arnt cut with creatine or crushed up aspirin.. people say well just brew.. but giving the latest developments .. this will be my first and last purchase with this lab..
I know its cheaper than most but for fucks sake.. this smells fishy..
will be checking what I have when I get home
I have some domestic tren ace/bold cyp on the way.
Should I be concerned?
You can never be too safe with this.
I withdraw from vial against light and then i double check syringe against light as well.
Couple of times ive found pieces of rubber from stopper inside of syringe, ready to be IM injected.
So remember, better safe then sorry
whos to say the raws arnt cut with creatine or crushed up aspirin.. people say well just brew.. but giving the latest developments .. this will be my first and last purchase with this lab..
I know its cheaper than most but for fucks sake.. this smells fishy..
will be checking what I have when I get home
I know right? It can be cut with whatever, only way to findout is to send raws you got to be analyzed, no other way around it if you want to be sure.
It would be great to have raws from major providers tested randomly by members, but it could be double edged sword i guess
whos to say the raws arnt cut with creatine or crushed up aspirin.. people say well just brew.. but giving the latest developments .. this will be my first and last purchase with this lab..
I know its cheaper than most but for fucks sake.. this smells fishy..
will be checking what I have when I get home
Isn't inositol powder the standard used to cut with?
Uuh, whadya think?
Should you be concerned of possible contamination of your muscle by foreign particle/object, especially when there is a high risk of your gear containing such contamination?
Naah i think you’ll be fine

Just the answer I needed. Thanks
I think everyone should check ALL UGL gear with a light as common practice after seeing this. I bet many other labs are having similar problems with contamination that have gone unnoticed. I don't have any from here but I'm checking others now.
Filter media is more common than most realize is it good no but it does happen with everyone just not on the same scale as Elite's shit.
I’m not gonna let it bother me any longer but I also should not have to get it tested or worry about the quality at all.

That’s like me going to a client as an electrician...going into a job and providing my services that the client is trusting me with....and then saying hey u know there’s a manufacturer recall on this new electrical wire I ran through your building but it should be fine ?? I can’t give ur money back but if you’d like you can get it tested on your dime cya later !

It’s just bad business, it is was it is. At the end of the day we’re dealing with drug dealers remember that.
I'm a rep both ways here in my eyes I asked you to keep me posted and I would help you but you chose to go it alone.
I'm right in the middle I rep members/customers and ppl.


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