Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Thank you for answer. That's a nice price. In my country, you can find dudes selling an single vial for 50-55, sometimes 60$ so that's why I'm asking
I think most of us have the same confusion, lol, I think this question gets asked every couple weeks but I get it... it's unbelievable.
Besides the wife beating he is a complete fucking idiot. I watched his video on the perfect pct and was floored by the dosages. He has absolutely no clue what he is talking about. Sad he got any attention at all really. His physique was shit too.

I don't even know who he is lol, most of these YouTube guys seem like idiots anyway, I do get the ones that go on about harm reduction, as it does have its place, but I've seen some videos that are just completely out to lunch with dosages and compounds
//HGH double kits boxes available Australia domestic// !!


So we have 2 kind of boxes:

H5 = 5 kits = 500iu = 50x10iu vials = 5x$80 = $400
H2 = 2 kits = 200iu = 20x10iu vials = 2x$80 = $160

shipping $15

So minimum order is 2 kits
Why I wonder is the effectiveness of tirazepide. Pharma VS UGL and dosing.

I think some of us can still agree UGL semaglutide feels weaker and maybe its what pharma is mixed with playes a role. idk.

anyone have any thoughts on UGL tirazepide?
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