Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I've used some of their peptides and hgh when they used to sell in alibaba in the past, very good gear for a such price, I had the highest gh serum with them compared to other labs used before (godt240/hupharma) for example, I can definitely say their gh has best price-quality ratio in the UG market.

Never tried their oils before, but i will give them a shot soon.

Stealth was good, but it took so long to receive, about 3 weeks.

My gh serum, done few months ago.

4 ui ed for few days and 10 ui 3 hours before the bloodtest (if I have a good memory)

pds gh.PNG

Expecting answers, or it's just suggestions to improve our good faith like other UG labs?
Not expecting anything. Just my opinion that your policy regarding poor test results is not impressive. Most will provide a full refund if the testing comes back as severely underdosed or God forbid a totally different compound. Telling the community you will send them a new “batch” doesn’t solve the problem if they’ve completely lost faith in your companies ability to brew. If they order primo and it tests as Test E, why would they want a replacement vial? Who knows wtf the replacement will be. That’s worst case scenario but we’ve all seen it happen.
Not expecting anything. Just my opinion that your policy regarding poor test results is not impressive. Most will provide a full refund if the testing comes back as severely underdosed or God forbid a totally different compound. Telling the community you will send them a new “batch” doesn’t solve the problem if they’ve completely lost faith in your companies ability to brew. If they order primo and it tests as Test E, why would they want a replacement vial? Who knows wtf the replacement will be. That’s worst case scenario but we’ve all seen it happen.

We aren't here to lose a +20 years of reputation over some stupid few $.
These problems never happened, and no reason to happen in future.

If you don't like our policy regarding test results, please find in the link below some examples of sources with impressive refund policies:
The excuses for not testing are BULLSHIT. The lack of a clear testing reimbursement program is BULLSHIT. Has Meso really gone this soft, letting this shit slide?

With the exception of a few, it's just a bunch of gear whores in here so excited to save a couple bucks that they'll inject God-knows-what in their bodies. Un-fuckin-real.

--Meso FR members banned for posting tests...
--Mixed-to-bad reviews everywhere you look for this source, including RIGHT HERE ON MESO Qingdao sigma chemical ... (actually read through the thread, especially towards the end)
--A rep greatly overpromising perfect quality, talking about nevere having a bad test....bragging of 100% delivery rate, etc...

Does this not send up huge red flags for anyone else? Fuckin' hell...

Look, I'm sure at some point in time they've made an ok batch here and there, but there are waaaayyyy too many warning signs here that something isn't right. If they did regular testing and encouraged 3rd party testing with an actual reimbursement program like every other decent source here, they'd rule this board....but they don't and apparently won't. I wonder why?? Hmmm....
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As promised, some competitive prices for large orders of orals, price of 600tabs added, I don't think someone can do better..

Oralsdosageprice ($)/60pillsprice ($)/600pills
Primo acetate75mg65390
Winstrol10 mg3095
Superdrol10 mg40170
Oxymetholone / Anadrol50 mg40240
Turinabol20 mg40200
Oxandrolone / Anavar20 mg40200
Metandienone / Dianabol10 mg3595
Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin10 mg50290
Methyltrienolone1 mg49180
Mibolerone1 mg49180
Proviron25 mg30160
T325 mcg55150
Aldactone50 mg38200
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg40120
Nolvadex / Tamoxifen20 mg40100
Letrozole1 mg45210
Anastrozole / Arimidex1 mg50250
Exemestane / Aromasin10mg40170
Pramipexole1 mg49150
Isotretinoin / Accutane10 mg40250
UDCA1000 mg50300
Dutasteride1 mg4590
Finasteride1 mg4075
Vardenafil40 mg50200
Sildenafil citrate / Viagra100 mg48200
Tadalafil / Cialis40mg50230
Dapoxetine hydrochloride25 mg45170
telmisartan50 mg39180
Metformin1000 mg40210
MK677 Ibutamoren10 mg35140
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg40150
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg38150
SR900910 mg45180
GW074210 mg45200
GW501516 Cardarine10 mg38160
S410 mg40240
RAD14010 mg45280
S2310 mg40240
YK1110 mg45300
AICAR10 mg45380
As promised, some competitive prices for large orders of orals, price of 600tabs added, I don't think someone can do better..

Oralsdosageprice ($)/60pillsprice ($)/600pills
Primo acetate75mg65390
Winstrol10 mg3095
Superdrol10 mg40170
Oxymetholone / Anadrol50 mg40240
Turinabol20 mg40200
Oxandrolone / Anavar20 mg40200
Metandienone / Dianabol10 mg3595
Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin10 mg50290
Methyltrienolone1 mg49180
Mibolerone1 mg49180
Proviron25 mg30160
T325 mcg55150
Aldactone50 mg38200
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg40120
Nolvadex / Tamoxifen20 mg40100
Letrozole1 mg45210
Anastrozole / Arimidex1 mg50250
Exemestane / Aromasin10mg40170
Pramipexole1 mg49150
Isotretinoin / Accutane10 mg40250
UDCA1000 mg50300
Dutasteride1 mg4590
Finasteride1 mg4075
Vardenafil40 mg50200
Sildenafil citrate / Viagra100 mg48200
Tadalafil / Cialis40mg50230
Dapoxetine hydrochloride25 mg45170
telmisartan50 mg39180
Metformin1000 mg40210
MK677 Ibutamoren10 mg35140
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg40150
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg38150
SR900910 mg45180
GW074210 mg45200
GW501516 Cardarine10 mg38160
S410 mg40240
RAD14010 mg45280
S2310 mg40240
YK1110 mg45300
AICAR10 mg45380
Any chance you'd make 50mg Proviron?
Minor gripe, but my 60 tabs of oxandrolone are one tablet short. The oxandrolone does seem to be legit since I get heartburn if I take half a tablet without food...
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Is it safe to ship to Switzerland? Or would it be better to send it to Germany? Are there any problems with VAT? It would only be Raws
hey bro any new messages about switzerland? I am curious about some hgh. I order vom Citropin guy. IDK if its safe. what do you think?!
Do you guys ship to Switzerland, and is it safe? Cause border control fucks us up with fees over 3000$ .. -.-
Any chance youll get an EU warehouse? Trying to get things into certain countries from outside the EU with the new import tax regulations has been a nightmare lately
They said the one tab short was just a machine packing error and they'd send me an extra two tabs next time. They're super responsive!