Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals im trying to pay but this is a pain in the fucking ass. The transaction fails. I think bank reads it as fraud. I linked my girls card to her Apple Pay but when I logged into my email from her phone the link took me to checkout.

no option for Apple Pay.

after I try the card again it wants me to verify the card by uploading front and back pics. After I do that and check agree the submit button doesn’t light up to click.

mabye you could provide some insight on the easiest route. Because bro, godamn……

That's normal, they decline your card and you have to provide them a prove that it's your card with photo id and back and forth of the card (you can cover everything put the last 4 digits of the cc number) and a picture of you holding it. I buy a lot from alibaba or aliexpress (normal stuff), so i can tell you that's normal.

What sucks is that your cc provider sometimes thinks it's a fraud and locks your cc.
You are correct, it’s just hear say for now. But I was talking about your cheap prices in another community and was told that on MesoFR that there are test showing your finished oils to be underdosed. I have never been on that board so can’t say for sure. I advise every customer and member to test for them selfs as they would with any source. Very intrigued to see some testing.
I read through a couple of the MesoFR pages, definitely not going to read through all of the 50 pages and you're right there are accusations that the finished products are under-dosed as well as some of the peptides.

So you can't play surprised here @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
already that there are such accusations. But as I said, I have not read everything, maybe the accusations were refuted or even Lab tests presented.
So you can't play surprised here @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
already that there are such accusations.

There is more than accusations. I’m not at liberty to say much more and got a stern reprimand earlier but let’s just say there’s more to MesoFR. Point being, there are not so great hplc reports but you won’t easily find them. That’s why I stated earlier I encourage everyone to test their products and report back.

Those French bastard love their testing. You will find a lot of them here as they say their testing got them banned from MesoFR.
why would testing get them banned on MesoFR?!

I read through a couple of the MesoFR pages, definitely not going to read through all of the 50 pages and you're right there are accusations that the finished products are under-dosed as well as some of the peptides.

So you can't play surprised here @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
already that there are such accusations. But as I said, I have not read everything, maybe the accusations were refuted or even Lab tests presented.

Well it's been 4 months I was waiting for proofs of that bullshit, and not a single lab test was posted.
I know each comment of those 50 pages, and not a single one was with an underdosed lab test, the only ones I saw where good.
I encourage everyone to test their own products, our products are cheap, it's the minimum.
Well it's been 4 months I was waiting for proofs of that bullshit, and not a single lab test was posted.
I know each comment of those 50 pages, and not a single one was with an underdosed lab test, the only ones I saw where good.
I encourage everyone to test their own products, our products are cheap, it's the minimum.
So what happens if we purchase products and get them tested and they come back underdosed?
@B Ware I went thru that thread and the folder ... no testing for this source's products unless I missed them.
#1 Who reprimanded you, and for what?
#2 if you have tests for these guys, post em up. This isn't Meso-FR, we're not about to have anyone be censored. no fuckin way.
@B Ware I went thru that thread and the folder ... no testing for this source's products unless I missed them.
#1 Who reprimanded you, and for what?
#2 if you have tests for these guys, post em up. This isn't Meso-FR, we're not about to have anyone be censored. no fuckin way.

I’ll say it again, I have seen nothing and it is hear say but hplc reports do exist. You won’t find them on MesoFR as the members who test were either banned or they left because of the ones that were banned and they created something else. There you’ll find what you seek but good luck getting access granted.

I also did not point you to that thread for you to look for test. You asked a simple question of why they were banned for testing and I literally dropped a link that said, “French Meso members banned for lab testing” so you could look for your answer.

From time to time I get dropped information when others know something but don’t want to speak up themselves. I will NEVER snitch on them. The end
This is almost like the my friends brother knows a guy who saw an ifbb pro at the gym in the rear view mirror of the neighbors car, and HEEE said he takes this and that many mg…

When the stuff is legal to produce and export in their own country, why would they skimp it’s just not right business and in China QDS is a legit business, most legit don’t want to tarnish their company with little bullshit

But wait!!! Those sneaky Chinese are always scheeming!! Haha let’s take off the tin hats folks
I’ll say it again, I have seen nothing and it is hear say but hplc reports do exist. You won’t find them on MesoFR as the members who test were either banned or they left because of the ones that were banned and they created something else. There you’ll find what you seek but good luck getting access granted.

I also did not point you to that thread for you to look for test. You asked a simple question of why they were banned for testing and I literally dropped a link that said, “French Meso members banned for lab testing” so you could look for your answer.

From time to time I get dropped information when others know something but don’t want to speak up themselves. I will NEVER snitch on them. The end
ok, I mean I guess I understand not snitching on others but if it's in the name of harm reduction and holding sources to the fire, that's where I'm like ?????

however, that prob means there's something I'm missing and that's ok. all good.
Read the first post of the thread, I talked about it

per first post -

  • We had sent some blind samples to Janoshik to ensure the reliability of the results, our finished products are well dosed, sometimes slightly overdosed, and in the event of an underdosage problem exceeding 15% we offer a reship of a new batch, and a refund of up to 50%.

  • So just as a hypothetical - if someone orders primo e 200mg and testing shows it’s test c 200mg, you will offer a reship of a newer batch ( how many different batches do you have on hand at any one time for any one drug?) and UP TO a 50% refund? This is sounding very much like a “buy at your own risk” source. You aren’t even fully standing by your product.
it's so easy to send a sample to janoshik for those in doubt
Sending to Jano is more time and more money. The fact that the source won’t even test the most popular set of products is concerning. If you are such a large facility, some testing is expected. Of course we should all do our own testing, but it shows confidence and good faith of the spice yo provide testing results for some products.