Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Sorry, I'm just used to talking to real competitors who have literal pharmacies in their closets with mini fridges full of norditropin. Those dudes don't care about 20$ and tend to plan better for shows
Awesome bro, you’re the man! Disregard everything I said about my experience & message @PrimoBowling if you want a bj or want to meet pro competitors who hand out $20 bills.
Dhb ended up crashing during delivery, probably the weather recently, quick hot water bath took care of it without issue. QSC also got back to me SUPER quick about what compound was what. Don't stress about identifying your products when they land folks. Email qsc and they will handle it.

Thanks all, excited as fuck for this blast
Unfortunately we stopped manufacturing tabs, and chinese tabs manufacters gets busted one after one, no carriers accept tabs anymore, DNP is already illegal and we are taking risk selling it (not too much risk), so selling DNP tabs is double risk, trying to stay safe..
you sell pill presses? I remember alibaba sold pill press kits back in the day. sorta like a diy build your own drug lab kinda thing. i always wondered if those were legit or not.
No ETA for tabs, each sold out tabs won't be restocked anymore, we stopped manufacturing tabs.

What’s China’s logic on raiding and shutting down Chinese pill mills? If they allow raws shipment around the mill, what does pills matter?

Also has the HGH government heat died down? I remember you saying a few months back that some factories were raided.
What’s China’s logic on raiding and shutting down Chinese pill mills? If they allow raws shipment around the mill, what does pills matter?

Also has the HGH government heat died down? I remember you saying a few months back that some factories were raided.
China now are getting more strict on all steroid market, including raws, previous week police went to a raw factory and arrested many. Some raws get out of stock because of this too.
Primo was sold out because the owner of the factory that make it was in the tab business too and he had some issues because of this..
Our competitors get busted one after one, factories do not produce in large quantities anymore, most of steroid sellers now are scared and many have stopped the business..
Be Careful with caps on the vials, they are like tinfoil and tear almost all the off when you pop the cap off.
Just pull in the direction of the arrows and stop at the edge, bend it a couple times and boom you're good. I don't even feel an edge sharp enough to cut
China now are getting more strict on all steroid market, including raws, previous week police went to a raw factory and arrested many. Some raws get out of stock because of this too.
Primo was sold out because the owner of the factory that make it was in the tab business too and he had some issues because of this..
Our competitors get busted one after one, factories do not produce in large quantities anymore, most of steroid sellers now are scared and many have stopped the business..
Well thanks for taking the risk for us fucking schmucks so everyone has more money in their pocket at the end of the day boiiiyyyeeee
China now are getting more strict on all steroid market, including raws, previous week police went to a raw factory and arrested many. Some raws get out of stock because of this too.
Primo was sold out because the owner of the factory that make it was in the tab business too and he had some issues because of this..
Our competitors get busted one after one, factories do not produce in large quantities anymore, most of steroid sellers now are scared and many have stopped the business..

Wow, that’s very unfortunate. We appreciate the risk you and your factory workers take to provide us AAS. It’s unfortunate that in 2022 it’s still treated as public enemy number 1 while alcohol is legal and ruining so many lives daily.