Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

probably legal matters in China
And you don't mess with the chinese gov, it's a matter of life and death, litteraly lol
thanks for the ignorance. I don't remember asking you.
Ask stupid questions get stupid answers dude. What the fuck do you think they do if not use stealth?? They either DO or they DON'T and do you truly truly believe that they would NOT use stealth and still be here? Now THATS ignorance.
Ask stupid questions get stupid answers dude. What the fuck do you think they do if not use stealth?? They either DO or they DON'T and do you truly truly believe that they would NOT use stealth and still be here? Now THATS ignorance.

As mentionned before, we never do stealth for many reasons explained before,
Stealth is used by amateur sources who lack experience in logistics.
Package is discreet, but no stealth
Holy fucking fuck serio?? Are we not considering the fact that they don't mark it stealth tho? Fuck me running I am the ignorant one alright my bad
Where is my order!? It’s been at customs since before Christmas! I need my Canada gH! Does all of China take January off? My other order hasn’t even left China since the middle of Nov.
@RunTrenFcukTens, see it's shit like this that makes me not pull the trigger with this supplier.. like 2 months after payment and your order is still in China wow.
There’s Canadians waiting on the reship line for 3 months now lol. Except for @Disarmer, he’s some sort of anomaly and is the only person who has had a reship pack land. I ordered international because all of a sudden reship was no longer available 3 days after I placed my order and then 5 days later it was good to go again, some how. I’ve had a few good international orders with him in summer and fall, but this Christmas time shit is kinda expected. The USA reship is good to go though. Their packs are landing in like 17 days.