Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There’s Canadians waiting on the reship line for 3 months now lol. Except for @Disarmer, he’s some sort of anomaly and is the only person who has had a reship pack land. I ordered international because all of a sudden reship was no longer available 3 days after I placed my order and then 5 days later it was good to go again, some how. I’ve had a few good international orders with him in summer and fall, but this Christmas time shit is kinda expected. The USA reship is good to go though. Their packs are landing in like 17 days.
Waiting on USA reship week 6 now

Wanted to start my cycle a week ago, oh well
The ment is amazing zero pip instant fullness hunger veins and body recomp along with test cyp unbeatable and little gh sprinkled in

Just put my order in for more
Trestolone test hgh igf1lr3

cannot wait

I highly recommend everyone try ment Trestolone ace it’s the best anabolic you’ll ever use for overall gains giving you a deca tren full dry veiny look all in one and raises the metabolic rate also it seems.

hen Whete are the others?
Makes zero sense.
If its coming in container they would all arrive at once.
Crazy thought….but what if there is more than one shipping container in the world?

I’ve received packages in 35 days and as early as 12 days from this vendor. To USA w/reship
Most of Canadian reship orders arrived to Canada, and will be delivered end of this month.

And for every motherfucker bitching about ETA for Canada reship, I hope you never contact me again for any order and go back using CA domestic sources.
I'm not sure if this question is allowed on here, but since it's related to a product from this source I'm hoping it's alright. Does anyone have any experience with fladrafinil? If so, care to share your experience?
I like how everyone bashes China and their ridiculous government, but they have (everyone, including me) a fucking clown for president/pm/king/whatever

Politicians are fucking clowns and puppets to their money overlords everywhere

Basically. It’s not like any of us get to choose our government. Any government ruling over more than 10 people are going to make some people unhappy….doubly so if it’s a government you’re not allowed to “leave” (you can’t just walk out of the tribe and decide to do your own thing giving up the cooperative benefits of that group).

I really don’t understand the caveman thinking of insulting someone by talking shit about their government. It’s forced on all of us, sometimes we like it, sometimes we don’t…but either way there’s nothing we can do about it.
MY ORDER HAS BEEN SHIPPED BOIS. SAME DAY OF PAIMENT. WHAT THE FUCK QSC ARE YOU A MACHINE ? Service is too good lol. Now waiting time. I'm so fkin impatient
QSC is a small-to-medium sized corporation…so yes it is a machine. The “QSC” user posting here is just one cog in that machine: the MesoRX salesperson, marketing, and customer service person. Sometimes the rep gets replaced with a new person and there’s no announcement/acknowledgement, just suddenly the tone and writing changes.

It’s not a one man shop. :p