Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just because customers are not all making feedbacks on meso, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist


Well as a customer it seems odd.
And while there is a few bitching most are just stating the confusion that occurred.

Personally I would of waited for old method if I knew.

As stated all along, it wasn't what we were told but we know it will arrive eventually.

That's fine but makes it extremely hard for some to do what they do.

When the usual 30-35 becomes 60 obviously people need to make adjustments on their end.

Simply explaining what happened to cause timeline to dbl is probably sufficient vs the response about bitching.
Honestly what did you expect?

Anyway obviously it will arrive but you can't expect ppl to not be frustrated.
QSC is a small-to-medium sized corporation…so yes it is a machine. The “QSC” user posting here is just one cog in that machine: the MesoRX salesperson, marketing, and customer service person. Sometimes the rep gets replaced with a new person and there’s no announcement/acknowledgement, just suddenly the tone and writing changes.

It’s not a one man shop. :p
No fucking shit ? I'm just happy lad lol
The ment is amazing zero pip instant fullness hunger veins and body recomp along with test cyp unbeatable and little gh sprinkled in

Just put my order in for more
Trestolone test hgh igf1lr3

cannot wait

I highly recommend everyone try ment Trestolone ace it’s the best anabolic you’ll ever use for overall gains giving you a deca tren full dry veiny look all in one and raises the metabolic rate also it seems.
Hell yeah man what dose you running?
Hell yeah man what dose you running?
can’t wait dude
i Will be doing
2gram test cyp weekly
150mg trest ace weekly
6iu hgh split 3x daily
^morning fasted pre workout pre bed
50-100mcg igf1lr3 post workout training days

still on q test cyp and used Trestolone earlier absolutely love it will never stop this cycle still got injectable yk11 from last order I need to try and will be adding that in soon not used it yet and will update here when I do will be first time trying yk11
can’t wait dude
i Will be doing
2gram test cyp weekly
150mg trest ace weekly
6iu hgh split 3x daily
^morning fasted pre workout pre bed
50-100mcg igf1lr3 post workout training days

still on q test cyp and used Trestolone earlier absolutely love it will never stop this cycle still got injectable yk11 from last order I need to try and will be adding that in soon not used it yet and will update here when I do will be first time trying yk11

Add 3g of tren and you got a pretty good looking cycle there. Prolly run that a full 52 weeks for maximum gains
So annoying. Waiting since October and got my seizure letter today. Canada reship.
There must be some confusion regarding terminology here. When you say "Canada reship" do you mean the domestic reship service? If so, how the fuck did you get a seizure letter?
I’m relieved to learn about why my package is taking a while. Makes sense what’s going on. I understand the new tracking number, just waiting until it finally moves. I got spoiled the last few times that it came quickly. I’m sure it’ll get here eventually. I’m an impatient person and trying to be better about that. I had to stop the peptide and have gone 4-5 weeks without the injection. Can’t wait until I can finally start it up again!