Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yes. Test is still king imo. You can get a lot out of just a few 500mg a week cycles. Eat right, train hard. I feel strong af off 800mg test 400 mast with some var. not quite just test but I’ve done just test and have gained a lot with just test. Never touched finasteride or any DHT blocker tho.
You should have asked this somewhere else though and not a source thread.
Figured as much, people ask random shit here anyways lol :) thanks Qingdao for the win lol
Pack landed today after 30 days, US reship. Usually lands in about 18 days but considering there were 3 federal holidays during the time my pack was in transit plus 2 massive snowstorms I think 30 days is pretty good all things considered.
Pack landed right at 3 weeks US reship and even included the missing item from previous order. Had a miscommunication about a replacement for something that was out of stock but it's been resolved. I actually put the wrong street and had to go hunt down my pack (luckily it was a rental house on my old street). So gots to be more careful ....
Anyone run the igf lr3 50mcg twice a day?
Prolly try it with a light yk11 dose test and mast
Lmao I’d panic too

I’ve never taken ralox before. When I was on 300 MENT I took 20mg nolvadex ED. Still lactated slightly. It scared me so I quit the MENT.

I’ll try ralox next time when I run MENT.
Ye, afaik nolva decreases IGF and ralox doesn't that's why I went this route.
Ordered on December 14th, received my package today via US Reship. I ordered 1 kit of Tirzepatide. will try it on my pin day. When I reconstituted, I was on the side wall, but pressure moved fast. Hopefully all is well.
Ordered thing same earlier than that, still waiting for delivery. Received 2 different tracking numbers also.
I pinned .5ml of the 10mg Tirzepatide today, will know in a day or two.
By the way, QSC is there thoughts of making a 15 or 20mg vial of Tirzepatide?
What is 0.5 ml? Is that 5mg? How much BAC did you put in there?
So my math maybe wrong but usinghttps://peptidecalc.com/ I used 1ml of BAC in 10mg of Tirzepatide. 5mg is 50 on 1ML insulin pin. If you are starting out, go 2.5 for 30 days then asses your hunger noise. Jump every 2.5 every 30 days or until you need to curb hunger.
So my math maybe wrong but usinghttps://peptidecalc.com/ I used 1ml of BAC in 10mg of Tirzepatide. 5mg is 50 on 1ML insulin pin. If you are starting out, go 2.5 for 30 days then asses your hunger noise. Jump every 2.5 every 30 days or until you need to curb hunger.
that is correct. but my point was is that 0.5ml is not a dose

you are taking 5mg at a time.

not trying to be an ass, just helping people change their way of thought. cause you could put 2ml in there and give yourself 0.5ml(0.25mg) which WOULD have been the starting dose.