Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Kinda odd. Been trying the tadalafil (cialis) for 3 days now up to 20mg and feel absolutely nothing... bp has only gone up each day taking it
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Kinda odd. Been trying the telmarsitan (cialis) for 3 days now up to 20mg and feel absolutely nothing... bp has only gone up each day taking it.

will update...
I think you are mixing something up. Telmisartan is not Cialis, these two are two different drugs.

20mg is very low dose, with Telmisartan also being a weak bp drug.
Hyperspeed, thanks haha

But seriously, 20mg wont do much. I suggest you take 40mg and wait another week.
Interesting. Is 20mg tadalafil somehow different than 20mg cialis? Am I missing something here...?

I feel 20mg cialis easily and affects my BP very quickly

Thanks in advance
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Interesting. Is 20mg tadalafil somehow different than 20mg cialis? Am I missing something here...?

I feel 20mg cialis easily and affects my BP very quickly

Thanks in advance
Okay I see, you are taking 20mg Cialis. I don’t know about others but I did not have any bp improvement by cialis at all. It's good for my prostate (benign prostate hypertrophy) and that's what I am taking Cialis for.
Kinda odd. Been trying the tadalafil (cialis) for 3 days now up to 20mg and feel absolutely nothing... bp has only gone up each day taking it
I would suggest Telmisartan. I take both though. It’s mild with a lot of other benefits too like kidney protection.
Okay I see, you are taking 20mg Cialis. I don’t know about others but I did not have any bp improvement by cialis at all. It's good for my prostate (benign prostate hypertrophy) and that's what I am taking Cialis for.
Cialis is really good imo, 20mg daily for 2 weeks, check and monitor daily reducing down to 5-10 mg ed once happy with bp. Shite life style, poor diet and zero cardio cialis won’t do shit but everything else in place it’s a great med
Okay I see, you are taking 20mg Cialis. I don’t know about others but I did not have any bp improvement by cialis at all. It's good for my prostate (benign prostate hypertrophy) and that's what I am taking Cialis for.
Gotcha! Yea really just comparing QSC raw tadalifil to pharma cialis here
I would suggest Telmisartan. I take both though. It’s mild with a lot of other benefits too like kidney protection.
That was the next step thanks man, appreciate yall. Might have to just say f it and get script again for cialis if nothing changes.
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random question, if i care about my hair, can i get all the gainz i can with just test cycle and dutasteride? or you need to introduce other compounds?
random question, if i care about my hair, can i get all the gainz i can with just test cycle and dutasteride? or you need to introduce other compounds?
Yes. Test is still king imo. You can get a lot out of just a few 500mg a week cycles. Eat right, train hard. I feel strong af off 800mg test 400 mast with some var. not quite just test but I’ve done just test and have gained a lot with just test. Never touched finasteride or any DHT blocker tho.
You should have asked this somewhere else though and not a source thread.